Purpose: Several studies have shown elevated levels of metal ions in blood of patients with metal-on-metal (MM) total hip arthroplasty (THA). The outstanding question that remains is the clinical impact of these elevated ion levels. Even though it is well known that exposure to heavy metals such as lead, copper, mercury, nickel, and cadmium) may lead to significant alterations in human sperm morphology and motility, less is known on the effect of Co and Cr on semen parameters. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of metal ions on the semen of males of child fathering age with MM hip arthroplasty.
Method: Semen was collected form 10 patients between 41 and 49 years old (mean = 45±6 years) by masturbation after 2–3 days of abstinence. Samples were examined within 1h after ejaculation for morphology, motility, and number of sperm cells following standard criteria from the World Health Organization (WHO). Co and Cr concentrations were measured in both the seminal plasma and in the blood of patients by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Since spermatozoa membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids are vulnerable to attack by reactive oxygen species (leading to peroxide formation), peroxide concentrations were measured in both the seminal plasma and the blood of patients.
Results: Results showed that the concentration of both Co and Cr ions was significantly lower in the seminal plasma than in the blood of the patients. Results also showed that the levels of peroxides were lower in the seminal plasma than in the blood plasma of these patients. Importantly, the ejaculate volume, the sperm density, the total sperm count, the pH, and the percentage of cells with normal morphology were in the range of the WHO criteria for fertile population and also in the range of reference patients in the city of measurements. However, the viability was a little bit lower than what was observed in a fertile population without prosthesis.
Conclusion: The presence of Co and Cr ions in the blood of males of child fathering age with MM hip arthroplasty raised concerns about the quality of semen in these patients. Results of the present study strongly suggest that the raised of Co and Cr had no significant effect on sperm parameters of young patients with MM prosthesis. The methods used to identify potential normal and fertile semen samples are still contradictory and not exactly defined. Studies showed for example that only total numbers of sperm with progressive mobility are significantly different in the fertile than in sub-fertile men, while others suggested that the fertile population should be defined by sperm concentration or sperm morphology. In conclusion, results suggest that Co and Cr ions generated from MM prosthesis have no significant effect on the sperm parameters of young patients of child fathering age. Further longitudinal studies are however necessary to conclusively determine the effect of metal ions from MM prosthesis on sperm parameters.
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