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Purpose: The objective of the present study was to determine whether human mast cells can modify behavior of human elbow contracture capsule cells in an in vitro collagen gel contraction assay.

Method: Posterior elbow joint capsule was obtained from a 38 year old man with a chronic (> 1 year) post-traumatic joint contracture. Joint capsule cells were isolated and suspended at a density of 2.5 x 105 cells/ml, and mixed with neutralized Collagen solution composed with 58% Vitrogen 100 purified collagen. Aliquots of collagen gel without cells, with only the human mast cell line, HMC-1 (2.5× 105), human capsule cells (2.5 × 105), human capsule cells (2.5 × 105) and an equal number of mast cells (1:1), or human capsule cells (2.5× 105) and 7.5× 105 mast cells (1:3) were then cast into wells tissue culture plate. The gels were maintained with 0.5 ml DMEM composed with 2% BSA and incubated at 37°C for 12 h for gelation to occur. After 12 hr initial culture, the gels were detached from the wall and the bottom of culture plate wells, and gel area was determined at 0h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 24h, 48h, and 72h Gel contraction studies were carried out on passage 6 and done in triplicate. The blocking assay to inhibit mast cell – joint capsule cell interaction employed antibodies to Stem Cell Factor (SCF) and c-kit. SCF (0.5, 1 or 10 microg/ml) and/or c-kit (0.05, 0.1 or1 microg/ml) were added individually or in combination (SCF 10 microg/ ml and c-kit 1 microg/ml only) to cells/collagen gel mixture before gel casting. The ratio of human capsule cells and HMC-1 were kept constant at 1:3 throughout the experiment. The inhibitory effect of SCF and c-kit antibodies on collagen gel contraction induced by human capsule cells and HMC-1 was expressed in percentage of gel areas at 24h post release. Inhibition effect (%) = 100% – [(gel size – c-kit or SCF gel size)/(blank gel size – JC:M gel size)x 100%]. Statistical analysis involved an ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni correction. P < 0.001 was significant. Data are mean ± standard deviation.

Results: Joint capsule cells were able to contract collagen gels in a time-dependent manner. This contraction was significantly enhanced in the presence of the HMC-1 cells in a dose dependent fashion (p < 0.001). HMC-1 cells were unable to contract the collagen gels by themselves. Experiments with antibodies to the mast cell – fibroblast direct cell-cell communication determinants SCF or c-kit showed inhibition of the enhanced contraction at 24 hours between 43 – 72%. Combining the highest dose of SCF and c-kit led to 82% inhibition.

Conclusion: This study has shown that cells isolated from human elbow joint contracture capsules respond to mast cells in a collagen gel assay in a dose dependent manner. This study is consistent with our previous work which has shown that ketotifen, a mast cell stabilizer that prevents mast cell degranulation and liberation of factors, can reduce contracture severity in a rabbit model of post-traumatic joint contractures.

Correspondence should be addressed to: COA, 4150 Ste. Catherine St. West Suite 360, Westmount, QC H3Z 2Y5, Canada. Email: