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Purpose of the study: From a biomechanical view, the medial force stabilising the patella is assured for 50 to 60% by the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL). The purpose of this cadaver study was to present a precise description of the anatomic features of the MPFL concerning its femoral insertion, its relations with the oblique vastus medialis (OVM) and its relation with the medial collateral ligament (MCL) in order to optimise surgical reconstruction.

Material and methods: This cadaver study was performed on 23 knees from fresh cadavers. All measures were made knee flexed 30° by the same operator. Insertions of the OVM on the MPFL, when present, were identified. The length of the zone of reflexion was recorded. For these measurements, a orthonormal landmark centred on the femoral insertion of the MPFL was established. This landmark was used to position the medial epicondyle and the adductor tubercle for each knee.

Results: The MPFL was found in all 23 knees (100%); the length of the MPFL was 57.7±5.8 mm; its femoral insertion measured 12.2±2.6 mm (8–136); its patellar insertion measured 24.4±4.8 mm. A junction between the OVM and the MPFL was found for all 23 knees (100%). This zone appeared to be a veritable reflexion zone with the OVM fibres arching over the MPFL fibres for a length of 25.7±6 mm.

Discussion: Our study confirms the constant presence of the MPFL, observed in 100% of the knees studied. During the reconstruction of the MPFL, the key point is the position of the femoral insertion of the ligament, in order to restore the native femoral insertion of the MPFL surgically and thus attempt to recreate perfect isometry of the graft. The graft must be positions 10 mm posteriorly to the medial epicondyle and 10 mm distally to the adductor tubercle. In our cadaver the MPFL, the main medial stabilising force of the patella was a constant finding, always located in the second thickness of the medial plane of the knee.

Conclusion: We detailed the native femoral insertion of the MPFL and described its relations with the medial femoral epicondyle and the adductor tubercle using an orthonormal landmark. Long-term function of the graft depends on proper positioning.

Correspondence should be addressed to Ghislaine Patte at