Since 2003 Trauma and Orthopaedic trainees in the UK and Ireland have routinely submitted data recording their operative experience electronically via the eLog-book. This provides evidence of operative experience of individuals and national comparisons of trainee, trainer, hospital and training programme performance. We have analysed trauma surgery data and established standards for training.
By January 2008 there were over 4 million operations logged. Operations performed and uploaded since 2003 have been included. Each trainee’s work is analysed by ‘year-in-training’. Data on levels of supervision, missed opportunities (where the trainee assisted rather than performed the operation) was analysed. The average number of trauma operations performed annually by trainees was 109, 120, 110, 122, 98 and 84 (total 643) for YIT one (=ST3) to six (=ST8) respectively. There were only 22% of missed opportunities throughout six years of training. A high level of experience is gained in hip fracture surgery (121 operations) and forearm (30), wrist (74) and ankle (47) operative stabilisation over the six years. However, the average number of tibial intra-medullary nails (13), external fixator applications (12) and childrens’ elbow supracondylar fracture procedures (4) performed is low. We are also able to identify trainees performing fewer operations than required during their training (two standard deviations or more below the mean for their YIT). We expect a trainee to have performed at least 255, 383, 473, and 531 trauma operations at the end of YIT three to six respectively.
The eLogbook is a powerful tool which can provide accurate information to support in-depth analysis of trainees, trainers, and training programmes. This analysis has established a baseline which can be used to identify trainees who are falling below the required operative experience.
Correspondence should be addressed to Editorial Secretary Mr ML Costa or Assistant Editorial Secretary Mr B.J. Ollivere at BOA, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE, England; Email: mattcosta@hotmail.com or ben@ollivere.co.uk