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An online survey has been carried out to evaluate the compliance with the OCAP learning tools, and the availability of clinical experience to early years’ trainees in Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2007–8. Three surveys were planned over the year, and we present the results from the first two surveys. Over the initial eight month period, 335 trainees in Trauma and Orthopaedic posts responded. There was considerable variation in the proportion of responses from different deaneries, and it was felt this reflected differences in the use of the two logbooks available (FHI or ISCP).

Respondents were FTSTAs (50%), ST1s (11%) and ST2s (29%). The respondents reported their operative experience was poor with low numbers of index procedures – the median values being 2 DHS, 1 Hemiarthroplasty and 0 for Ankle ORIFs performed as the lead surgeon in the first 4 months, rising to 3, 1 and 1 respectively in the second. As an assistant the numbers were 3, 4 and 3. FTSTAs had done more procedures as lead surgeon. It is not clear whether this reflects motivation, or whether they are trainees who were unable to secure training posts due to seniority and were already more experienced. Many posts were entirely ward based.

Improvements in meetings with Assigned Educational Supervisors were noted, as was the use of the learning agreements, and with registration rates with the ISCP. There was considerable variation between posts, hospitals and deaneries, and a tool was developed to summarise this data to be post-, trainee-, and duration-specific. Summaries of each post were distributed to Training Program Directors, Heads of School, and the SAC. Although some improvement has occurred, further rounds of the survey are necessary to ensure that this continues. The next round will commence in September 2008 to complete twelve months of data.

Correspondence should be addressed to Editorial Secretary Mr ML Costa or Assistant Editorial Secretary Mr B.J. Ollivere at BOA, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE, England; Email: mattcosta@hotmail.com or ben@ollivere.co.uk