The aim of this study was to find evidence of tissue hypoxia and apoptosis (programmed cell death) have on a human model of rotator cuff failure.
We studied twenty seven patients with no tear mild impingment (3), no tear moderate impingment (3), no tear severe impingment (3), partial tear (3), small tear (3), moderate tear (3), large tear (3), massive tear (3) and control (3) who were undergoing shoulder arthroscopy, subacromial decompression and potential rotator cuff repair. A supraspinatus tendon biopsy was taken during debridement/repair on all cases (ethics number C01.071). Control tendon was obtained from the subscapularis tendon of patients undergoing stabilization surgery.
Biopsies were analysed using two immunocytological techniques. A monoclonal antibody against BNIP-3 (a pro-apoptotic marker of hypoxia) and TUNEL (an apoptotic marker). An immunofluorescent nuclear counterstain DAPI (4 6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihy-drochloride) was used to stain all cells. Positive cells and total cell number were then counted in 10 high powered fields per section.
The results showed a significant increase in BNIP-3 expression in the cuff tears compared with intact tendons. This increase was least in the massive tears. Apoptosis increases from mild impingement to massive cuff tears (mean 7.3% to 21%)
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