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Background: to study the expression of Bcl-2 gene in osteogen sarcoma of long tubular bones and their effect on the disease prognosis.

Study was conducted in 20 patients with osteogen sarcoma of long tubular bones. Of 20 patients studied in 11 patients tumor was localized in femoral bone, in 6 patients in tibia and in 3 patients in fibula. Slices taken from the tumor in open biopsy were the object of research. Immune-hystochemical research was carried out by the standard technique applying antibodies to Bcl-2. The assessment response was made by visual simiquantity method: expression absence was-0, weak-1 (+), moderately expressed-2 (++), intensive-3 (+++). 17 patients were given chemoradiotherapy, 3 patients combined treatment (surgical + adjuvant chemotherapy). 12 got intraarterial chemotherapy (72 hours) by CAP regimen (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Cisplatin) – 4 cycles with three week interval. Then telegammatherapy, single dose 3.5 Gy up to general dose 60–70 Gy was made, later chemotherapy was completed up to 9 cycles at the same regimen. 8 patients were carried out 4 cycles of intra-arterial chemotherapy by MP regimen (Methotrexate, Cisplatin) with three week interval. Radiotherapy used subsequently (General dose 60–70 Gy) and chemotherapy was reached up to 9 cycles at the same regimen.

Research has shown, that in the most of patients 13/20 (65 %) had moderately positive and low positive expression of Bcl-2 gene, in 4/20 (20 %) cases reaction was negative and in 3/20 (15 %) cases it was the expression of the given gene that was high. The assessment of treatment efficiency was carried out by WHO recommendation. The whole effect was obtained in 6 patients (30 %), partial in 11 (55 %) and progressing was in 3 (15 %). Most patients who were given the treatment by specific scheme: chemotherapy + radiotherapy + chemotherapy had good parameters in life expectancy, where 6 of 8 patients (75 %) lived without relapse and metastases more than one year. All patients (3) had numerous lung metastases in operation + chemotherapy group of patients.

Aggressive current of tumoral process was characterized with high expression of Bcl-2 gene in tumor tissue. The level of expression Bcl-2 gene can testify the efficiency of conducted treatment.

Correspondence should be addressed to Professor Stefan Bielack, Olgahospital, Klinikum Stuttgart, Bismarkstrasse 8, D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Email: