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In oncological resections there is a higher risk of infection around the foot and ankle. An infection here can be difficult to treat and easily lead to an amputation due to the limited amount of soft tissue coverage of the region. In three patients an infection developed after resection of a bone tumour in the foot and ankle.

In the first case, female 34 years, an epitheloid hemangioepithelioma was excised from the anterior part of the calcaneus, cuboid and lateral os cuneiform. An iliac crest graft was initially used to fill the defect, but got infected. The antibiotic loaded bone cement spacer cured the infection and filled the dead space but was painful. A free vascularised fibula with skin-flap was used successfully to fill the defect and take away the pain. At three-year follow-up there is no pain and full weight bearing, with a nice hypertrophy of the graft. In the second case, a 14-year old girl, there was an Aneu-rismal Bone Cyst (ABC) of the distal tibia with a deep infection after ethibloc injection. The vacuum assisted closure cleaned the wound but a defect resulted. It was successfully filled with an ipsilateral free vascularised fibula with skin-flap. Follow-up shows full function and nice hypertrophy at 24 months. In the third case, male 65 years, a chondrosarcoma grade one (after biopsy) in the cuboid was curetted out. It proved grade two in the definitive histology and furthermore it got infected. The cuboid was excised and a cement spacer was placed. The soft tissues were insufficient to close it properly. A free vascularised fibula with skin-flap was used. The vascularity of the graft was insufficient and the skin-flap did not survive. A vacuum assisted closure was done. He can bear weight and has no pain. The fibula graft is shows some hypertrophy and a fistula persists for 18 months now.

We conclude that vascularised free fibula with skinflap can successfully prevent amputation in case of infection in oncological resection of foot and ankle. The fibula reconstructs the bone defect and the skin-flap the soft tissue defect.

Correspondence should be addressed to Professor Stefan Bielack, Olgahospital, Klinikum Stuttgart, Bismarkstrasse 8, D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Email: