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Purpose: To determine presentation to publication conversion rate(PPCR) in peer-reviewed indexed journals of abstracts presented at SRS annual meetings and to evaluate for consistency between abstracts and subsequently published full-text articles(FTA).

Methods: We reviewed all presentations (podium & posters) of past SRS annual meeting proceedings(2000–04) and undertook a comprehensive PubMed search to determine if the abstract was followed by a publication subsequent to its presentation as FTA up to Dec 2008. The published FTA was compared with original abstract(OAb) and evaluated for consistency with respect to study cohort/design, conclusion and authorship against a structured proforma.

Results: 1063 abstracts(452 podium;611 posters) were identified. 560 (295 podium;265 posters) were published as FTA in 51 journals. The overall PPCR was 52.68%(65.26 for podium;43.37% for posters). Two-thirds of them were published in Spine (361 FTA). 87.32% of them were published within 3 years of presentation(489/560). Interestingly 16 presentations were already published as FTA before their sub-mission(2.85%). The PPCR was 1.5 times higher for free-papers as compared to posters and was statistically significant (p< 0.0001) and OR 2.45(1.90–3.15).

Conclusion: The PPCR of SRS presentations is better than AAOS(34.2%;Bhandari et al, JBJS(Am)2002:84(4),615–21) and stands high in comparison to other medical specialties (32–72%). Though the studies were of high quality/content, changes to the cohort, authors or/& conclusion was common (seen in two-thirds of FTA). The acceptance of an abstract for podium presentation at SRS annual meeting is a benchmark of quality. However they (esp. posters) should be interpreted with caution until their subsequent publication as a FTA.

Ethics approval: Not applicable

Interest Statement: None (No grants obtained from any agency).

Correspondence should be addressed to BSS c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.