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Surgical reconstruction of the injured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is an effective solution to knee instability, but not all grafts incorporate well. The biological environment in the knee that controls graft integration is not well understood, and this study aims to fill that gap as the first step towards a translational approach to optimise outcomes.

Over two stages, tissue samples and knee fluid samples were harvested from patients undergoing ACL reconstruction. These samples were cultured and stored to allow batch analysis for a variety of cytokines, growth factors and collagenases.

Stage 1 (n=14) identified the presence of specific pro-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and latent collagenase. Information gathered allowed a more targeted approach to be used in stage 2 (n=18). Stage 2 data from tissue cultures suggest that collagenase activity peaks later than 6 hours post-op. The relationships between collagenase activity and levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and bFGF are of potential interest, and the profiles of patients will be compared with longer term follow-up data to determine any effects on outcomes.

Further detailed assessment of the biology of ACL graft incorporation is required, but these preliminary data have clarified some of the details worthy of further study.

Correspondence should be addressed to: BASK c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.