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The aim of this study was to document the thickness of the patellofemoral joint before and after unicompart-mental joint replacement and to correlate these data with knee outcome scores.

Seventeen patients (22 knees) who underwent Patello-femoral replacement with FPV (Wright Medical) prosthesis between 2006 and 2008 were identified retrospectively and analyzed using chart and radiological review. Oxford and AKSS knee scores were gathered prospectively pre-operative and at follow-up.

Trochlear height was measured using lateral radiograph of the knee by measuring the distance between anterior distal femoral cortex and the highest point of trochlea. Trochlear height was compared pre and postoperatively. The range of movement and the Oxford and American knee society knee scores at six weeks postoperatively were noted. Association between increased trochlear height and improved range of motion was studied.

All but two patients regained full knee extension. Postoperative mean range of flexion of the knee joint was 114 degrees. The mean Oxford knee score at 6 weeks postoperatively was 21 points. The mean American Knee Society Knee Score was 85 points and function score 60 points.

We found the average trochlear height to be 6.2 mms pre and 9.7 mms post operatively with an average increase of 3.5 mms. We found no relationship between range of motion of the knee and knee function and trochlear height. This is important because there has been concern that ‘overstuffing’ of the patellofemoral joint can lead to stiffness and failure of resolution of pain post-operatively. Rather it appears that the FPV prosthesis restores the previous anatomical thickness of this compartment.

We conclude that FPV Patello-femoral replacement results in correct anatomical reconstruction of the trochlear height. This should in turn result in durable improvements in pain and function

Correspondence should be addressed to: BASK c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.