Introduction: Complex extremity injury remains a challenge to those involved in both its emergent and definitive care. Anecdotal concerns exist regarding exposure of orthopaedic trainees to such cases in the light of recent changes in surgical training. We aim to establish the perceived confidence, exposure to caseload and adequacy of training of United Kingdom (UK) Orthopaedic Specialist Trainees in the management of significant extremity trauma.
Method: A web-based survey was sent to a sample of orthopaedic trainees. 222 responses from 888 trainees were required to achieve a 5% error rate with 90% confidence. 232 responses were received.
Results: Perceived confidence and adequacy of training in wound debridement and fasciotomy is high despite infrequent exposure and training is perceived as adequate. With regards to assessment of limb viability and amputation for extremity injury, exposure is minimal, perceived confidence is lower, particularly in the case of amputation and for this scenario over a third of trainees report their training as inadequate. Perceived confidence in dealing with hand trauma is low and is associated with sparse exposure to cases resulting in a quarter of trainees reporting their training as inadequate. For all scenarios, confidence is seen to increase with time spent in training with the notable exception of post-CCT trainees whom report a lower confidence to their colleagues in the latter years of training.
Discussion: Despite infrequent exposure, it has been demonstrated that perceived confidence and adequacy of training in many aspects of extremity injury is high. Concerns are apparent with the management of hand trauma and amputation surgery. This study is the first of its kind to offer a valuable insight into the current training perceptions and requirements of junior orthopaedic surgeons at a national level.
Correspondence should be addressed to BLRS c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.