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Introduction: Benign bone-forming tumours are common in children and adolescents. Careful radiographical and histological study is necessary to distinguish slow growing from more aggressive bone forming tumours. We reviewed 25 cases of primary benign bone forming tumours of the spine to investigate whether there were any obvious differences in their biological behaviour in adults compared to children.

Materials and Methods: Twenty five cases of primary benign bone forming tumours of the spine were identified from the Scottish Bone Tumour Registry: this data is collected prospectively. A retrospective review of this data was performed. There were 9 osteoid osteomas, 15 osteoblastomas and 1 aggressive osteoblastoma. These cases were divided into group A (children) and group B (adults).

Results: There were 16 patients in group A (6-osteoid osteoma, 9-osteoblastoma, 1-aggressive osteoblastoma), 10 boys and 6 girls. The mean age was 12.1 years (range, 6–16 years). There were 2 cervical, 4 thoracic, 8 lumbar and 2 sacral tumours. There were 9 patients in Group B (3-osteoid osteoma, 6-osteoblastoma), 7 boys and 2 girls. The mean age was 26.6 years (range, 18–53 years). There were 1 cervical, 6 thoracic, 2 lumbar and none sacral tumours.

Twenty two tumours were excised and 3 had curettage performed (1 child and 2 adults). There were 2 recurrences (one osteoid osteoma, one osteoblastoma), one from the excision group and one who had curettage, both in adults. These were successfully treated with re-excision. Mean follow-up was 8 years and all were alive at the time of final follow-up.

Conclusions: Benign bone forming tumours of the spine are extremely uncommon. In children they occur more commonly in lumbar spine, while thoracic involvement predominates in adult patients. Good outcomes are obtained with surgical treatment. Recurrence occurred only in the adult group: both of these patients had successful outcomes following further treatment.

Correspondence should be addressed to BASS/BCSS c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.