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Introduction: Blount’s disease is an idiopathic, non-physiological form of genu varum. Deformity usually occurs in the proximal tibia with progressive varus, but also with valgus in the distal femur. Treatment in the infantile stage includes observation or bracing, and surgery for acute marked proximal tibial varus. Recurrence is common with conventional surgery after the age of four.

Method: A new surgical technique is proposed as definitive treatment of this condition which includes an arthrogram to visualise the knee joint, acute elevation of the varus aligned medial tibia plateau with second plane correction of posterior slope deformity, lengthening and derotation of the tibia by application of a Taylor spatial frame, application of an 8 plate on the distal femur to correct valgus deformity and finally proximal tibial and fibular epiphysiodesis to prevent recurrence.

Results: Five patients with Blount’s disease had this definitive corrective procedure performed at a mean age of 9.8. Radiographs and CT scans taken pre-operatively demonstrated marked medial plateau varus deformity and increased posterior slope. Surgery was performed by the senior author. Follow-up X-rays demonstrated satisfactory alignment, length and rotation of the lower limb.

Conclusions: This new surgical technique allows correction of all deformities of Blount’s disease at one operation and maintains alignment, length and rotation clinically and radiologically at follow-up.

Correspondence should be addressed to BSCOS c/o BOA, at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE, England.