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The objective of this study is to analyze changes in the force needed to raise the arm caused by using a single or a double-row configuration of cuff repair.

Cadaveric study performed using 5 fresh-frozen shoulders. Supraspinatus tear created in all specimens beginning 0.5 cm from biceps tendon. Repair of tear with single and double-row configuration of anchors placed 1cm apart each one. Sutures fixed to digital dynamometer. Continuous traction applied and registered to elevate humerus to 30° and 45°. Experiment repeated 3 times for each configuration and angle of elevation on each specimen. Paired Student t test was used to compare difference between single and double-row configuration at 30° and 45° of anterior elevation.

Significant differences between force needed to raise the arm to 30° with single-row (4,76 kg) configuration and double-row (6,94) (p< 0,001). Significant differences between force needed to raise the arm to 45° with single-row configuration (10,32 kg) and double-row (15,93) (p< 0,008). Significant differences when comparing mean increase of force needed to raise the arm from 30° to 45° between single and double-row configuration (p< 0,012).

The force needed to raise the arm to 30° and 45° is significantly higher for double than for single-row configuration. Quality of tendon margin should be taken into account when choosing between double and single-row configuration. If repair is done to a frayed and degenerated tendon, surgeon has to imbalance benefits of double-row repair with the fact that tendon suture will have to resist an increased force in active movement.

Correspondence should be addressed to EORS Secretariat Mag. Gerlinde M. Jahn, c/o Vienna Medical Academy, Alserstrasse 4, 1090 Vienna, Austria. Fax: +43-1-4078274. Email: