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Aims: Pathologic studies in foetuses and stillborns with congenital clubfoot have shown atrophy of the musculature of the leg omolateral and incresased fibrous tissues within the muscles belly. Both the triceps surae and the tibialis posterior are mostly involved and their tendons thickened. Atrophy of the musculature of the leg has been described in various clinical studies on congenital clubfoot, but most of the authors believe that atrophy might be secondary to surgical treatment and prolonged immobilization in plaster cast and brace. In our study, we correlated the pathology of foetal leg muscle atrophy with leg muscle atrophy shown by patients with congenital clubfoot.

Methods: We investigated the MRI aspects of leg muscles in untreated babies and in children and adults who had been treated soon after birth for unilateral congenital clubfooft. The MRI aspects of the leg muscle in treated patients were compared to those of untreated babies, and to the histopathologic findings of the same muscles in foetuses with congenital clubfoot.

Results: The ratio between the muscles of the normal leg and the leg of the clubfoot side was almost the same as measured either on the histological sections of foetuses with congenital clubfoof or in patients before and after treatment, from birth to adulthood.

Conclusions: Our study shows that in congenital club-foot leg muscle atrophy is a primitive pathologic finding rather than secondary to treatment.

The abstracts were prepared by incoming Professor Elena Brach del Prever. Correspondence should be addressed to IORS – President office, Dipartimento di Traumatologia, Ortopedia e Mediciana del Lavoro, Centro Traumatologico Ortopedico - Via Zuretti, 29 I-10135 Torino, Italy.