Aims: To calculate one-year survival after dislocated intracapsular femoral neck fractures and to assess factors associated with increased risk of death.
Patients: 2045 patients treated for dislocated intracapsular femoral neck fractures during 2005 were registered in The Norwegian Hip Fracture Registry and were included in the present study.
Methods: Almost all hospitals in Norway reported proximal femoral fractures to the Registry using standard forms filled in by the operating surgeons. Survival was calculated using Kaplan Meier survival analyses, and the impact of factors possibly influencing the survival was estimated using Cox regression analysis. Mortality data for all patients were obtained from Statistics Norway.
Results: 2045 patients having dislocated intracapsular femoral neck fractures operated with 2 pins/screws (1071) and bipolar hemiprosthesis (974) were enrolled in the Registry during 2005. Among these, 333 patients died within the first year after the operation; 2 pins/screws (170) and bipolar hemiprosthesis (163). Factors adversely associated with survival included high age, male gender, dementia and with an increase in preoperative ASA classification. No statistically significant difference was found regarding preoperativ delay or for the two different treatment methods.
Conclusion: After one year there is no difference in risk of death between operation methods; 2 pins/screws and hemiprosthesis, for dislocated femoral neck fractures.
Correspondence should be addressed to Ms Larissa Welti, Scientific Secretary, EFORT Central Office, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland