Introduction: To guide one’s surgical options if conservative treatment in metatarsalgia fails, a good understanding of the anatomy and the biomechanics of a normal forefoot is primordial. The recognition of a so-called ideal morphotype may serve as a guide, through technical or other means (clinical examination, X-rays, baropodometry,..), to obtain a calculated and subtle reconstruction of all the symptomatic elements.
Material and Methods: Between 2000 and 2005, 68 patients were operated by the same surgeon and were all, but five, reviewed retrospectively by an independent examiner.
The study of the 184 osteotomies performed (of which 177 Weil osteotomies), made use of clinical, and radiological computerised analysis.
Results: We have not been able to find a significant correlation between a harmonious curve of Maestro and postoperative recurrence or transfert metatarsalgia.
Discussion: The cause of transfert metatarsalgia is often hard to find. Known, and so evitable, are important shortening and a fault in the preoperative adjustment. Despite a precise preoperative planning and a perfectly performed surgical technique, the surgeon sometimes encounters the development of plantar callosities beneath metatarsal heads adjacent to the operated ones. Lots of variables are still unknown or not recognised: mobility at the Lisfranc, gastrocnemius retraction.
We have noted a significant relationship between the preoperative (in-)stability and the risk of developing transfert metatarsalgia (p-value = 0.03). A metatarso-phalangeal articulation, unstable in the preop setting, has 0.36 times less the risk of leading to this complication than if the operation was performed on a stable articulation preoperatively. A stable articulation would so be an indirect sign of a good tolerance by the adjacent rays.
Conclusion: One can question if the reconstruction of an architectural harmonious forefoot using the ideal curve of Maestro at any price is necessary, since we were not able do demonstrate a guaranteed postoperative pain relief. A respect of the so-called ideal morphotype of the forefoot on the dorsoplantar upright X-rays seems insufficient in the assurance of a balanced distribution of plantar pressures postoperatively. Certainly, this morphotype most probably avoids an elevated rate of complications, but may not be considered as the only criteria to be achieved.
The clinical examination stays the most essential element. Only the preoperatively symptomatic and unstable metatarsals should probably undergo this osteotomy.
Correspondence should be addressed to Ms Larissa Welti, Scientific Secretary, EFORT Central Office, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland