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Anteromedial osteoarthritis is a distinct phenotype of osteoarthritis. The arthritic lesion on the tibia is localised to the anteromedial quadrant with an intact ACL. Deficiency of the ACL leads to a progression to tricompartmental disease. Within the spectrum of intact ACL a varying degree of ligament damage is seen. Our aim was to correlate the progression of ACL damage to the geographical extent of disease and the degree of cartilage loss on the tibial plateau.

We systematically digitally mapped 50 tibial plateau resection specimens from clinical photographs of patients undergoing unicompartmental arthroplasty, additionally the damage to their ACL was graded (0: normal, 1:synovium loss, 2:longitudinal splits)

These images were imported into image analysis software. Accurate measurements were made of the dimensions of the specimen. Measurements included the AP distance to the anterior and posterior aspect of the lesion, and the distance to the start of the macroscopically non damaged cartilage. The areas of cartilage damage and full thickness loss were also recorded. The results were represented as a % of total area to account for variation in size of the resection specimens. We compared % of full thickness loss in patients with normal to those with damaged, but functionally intact ligaments.

All specimens had a similar macroscopic appearance. A significant difference was seen with the progression of ACL damage and area of eburnation of bone. Using an unpaired t test, a significant difference in area of % full thickness cartilage loss (P=0.047) was seen between patients with a normal and longitudinal splits within their ACL. No correlation between the clinical status of the ACL and start or finish point of cartilage loss on the tibial plateau

We surmise that the progression from anteromedial to tricompartmental osteoarthritis of the knee may be related to the graduated damage of the ACL.

Correspondence should be addressed to: Tim Wilton, BASK, c/o BOA, The Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE.