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Allogenic blood transfusions are frequent sequellae of hip and knee arthroplasty with potentially deleterious consequences. A prospective collection of a comprehensive data set of 1,185 knee and 1,064 hip arthroplasty patients including primary and revision surgeries was completed with analysis of allogenic and predonated blood usage, blood salvage systems and costs. The most effective strategy in reducing allogenic blood transfusion is the use of a blood salvage system. The most expensive strategy is the use of blood salvage systems with predonation. The least expensive and least effective strategy is no predonation of blood and no blood salvaging system.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usage, effectiveness and cost of blood salvage technologies in total hip and knee arthroplasty.

The most effective strategy in reducing allogenic blood transfusion is the use of a blood salvage system. The most expensive strategy is the use of blood salvage systems with predonation. The least expensive and least effective strategy is no predonation of blood and no blood salvaging system. More than half of the predo-nated blood collected was never used.

Blood loss in total hip and knee arthroplasty can have significant deleterious physiologic effects on patients. There are potential health risks with allogenic blood transfusion as well as patient anxiety toward allogenic transfusion. Recent advances in blood management provide additional options that need further evaluation.

The lowest cost strategy was no predonation and no blood salvage system at an average of $30 per patient, but with a 14% incidence of allogenic transfusion. Pre-donation alone had a cost of $330 with a 12% transfusion rate. Predonated blood was wasted in 60% of knee arthroplasties and 48% of hip arthroplasties. The Consta Vac and OrthoPAT blood salvage systems had a cost of $110 and $365 with 5% and 7% transfusion rate, respectively.

A prospective collection of a two-year comprehensive data set of 1,185 knee and 1,064 hip arthroplasty patients including both primary and revision surgeries was completed. Analysis of blood counts, allogenic and predonated blood usage, blood salvage systems, length of stay, demographics and costs were performed.

Correspondence should be addressed to Cynthia Vezina, Communications Manager, COA, 4150-360 Ste. Catherine St. West, Westmount, QC H3Z 2Y5, Canada