The influence of the supinator and pronator quadratus (PQ) muscles on distal radioulnar joint stability were evaluated using a joint simulator capable of producing forearm rotation, before and after ulnar head excision. Multiple pronation trials were conducted with incremental loading of the PQ relative to the pronator teres; supination trials were similarly conducted with the supinator and biceps. Incremental supinator muscle loading did not alter forearm kinematics. Increased PQ loading did not affect intact kinematics, but did alter joint motion following ulnar head excision. PQ activation will likely aggravate forearm instability following ulnar head excision; suggesting rehabilitation should incorporate immobilization in supination.
The purpose of this study was to study the effect of pronator quadratus (PQ) and supinator loads on forearm kinematics in both an intact distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) and following ulnar head excision.
The PQ muscle appears to aggravate instability of the DRUJ following ulnar head excision, while incremental loading of the supinator muscle had no effect.
Patients with DRUJ instability and/or who have undergone surgical removal of the ulnar head should be rehabilitated in supination to limit the influence of the PQ muscle.
Eight cadaveric upper extremities were tested in a custom joint simulator employing motion and load-controlled tendon loading to produce forearm rotation. Pronation was achieved via loading of the pronator teres and PQ muscles. Repeated trials were conducted in which the ratio of the PQ load was increased incrementally relative to the pronator teres load. Supination trials were similarly conducted using the biceps and supinator muscles. Testing was conducted in the intact forearm and following ulnar head excision. An electromagnetic tracking device was used to record motion of the radius and ulna. Kinematic data was analyzed with a planar analysis that measured dorsal palmar displacements and diastasis of the DRUJ.
Greater diastasis and dorsal translation of the radius relative to the ulna were noted under increased PQ loading following ulnar head excision (p< 0.05). Increased supinator load had no effect on kinematics before or after ulnar head excision. This effect is likely due to the location of the two muscles. The effect of PQ muscle loading was only noted in neutral to full pronation. These results suggest that rehabilitation of the forearm following ulnar head excision should be conducted with the forearm in supination to minimize joint instability.
Funding: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, The Arthritis Society (Canada)
Correspondence should be addressed to Cynthia Vezina, Communications Manager, COA, 4150-360 Ste. Catherine St. West, Westmount, QC H3Z 2Y5, Canada