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To review the results of reconstruction of pseudoar-throsis and/or significant varus with retroversion of proximal femur in congenital longitudinal lower limb deficiencies, twenty-three of ninety-five patients with lower limb deficiencies underwent proximal femoral reconstruction at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital. All twenty-three underwent valgus derotation osteotomies to correct coxa vara and retroversion of femur. Seven patients also had pseudoarthrosis of the neck of femur. Three of these were treated with valgus derotation osteotomy and cancellous bone grafting, two with fibular strut grafts, one King’s procedure and one with excision of fibrous tissue and valgus derotation osteotomy. A variety of internal fixation devices and external fixator were used.

Seventeen of the twenty-three patients had valgus osteotomies repeated more than once (average 2.3) for recurrence of varus deformity. Average initial neck-shaft angle was 72 degrees, which improved to an average of 115 degrees after reconstruction.

All seven patients with pseudoarthroses underwent multiple procedures (average 3.3) to achieve union. Cancellous bone grafting was repeated twice in two patients to achieve union but all three with cancellous bone grafting underwent repeat osteotomies to correct residual varus. Two patients achieved union after fibu-lar strut grafting. One patient, who underwent excision of pseudoarthrosis, achieved union but had to undergo further valgus osteotomy. No particular advantage of any one-fixation device over the others was noted in achieving correction.

Early axis correction using valgus derotation oste-otomy is important in limb reconstruction when there is significant coxa vara and retroversion, although recurrence may require repeated osteotomies. Pseudoarthro-ses needed more aggressive surgery to achieve union.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Tim Briggs. (Editoral Secretary 2003/4) Correspondence should be addressed to him at Lane Farm, Chapel Lane, Totternhoe, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 2BZ, United Kingdom