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Introduction The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of different causes of neck pain in a private practice clinic by a retrospective audit of records.

Methods The study included all consecutive patients attending a private spine pain clinic in the state of Washington, USA, seen between January 2003 and January 2005, in whom a diagnosis of neck pain was made. The records of all patients were examined to determine the prevalence of various diagnostic entities determined by history, examination, and invasive tests such as controlled diagnostic blocks and provocation discography. Using different denominators, the prevalence of various conditions was determined in all patients who presented with neck pain, in patients in whom investigations were undertaken, and in patients who completed investigations.

Results A large proportion of patients (35%) did not pursue investigations, which diluted the crude prevalence of various conditions. A further 17% deferred completing investigations. Amongst the 48% of patients who completed investigations, the prevalence of zygapophysial joint pain was 55%, discogenic pain was 16%, and lateral atlanto-axial joint pain was 9%. A diagnosis remained elusive in only 17% of those patients who completed investigations.

Discussion In a private practice setting, a patho-anatomic diagnosis for chronic neck pain can be established in over 80% of patients, provided that appropriate investigations are undertaken. The prevalence of cervical zygapophysial joint pain encountered in the present study corroborates the prevalence rates established in academic studies. The observed prevalence of discogenic pain is probably an underestimate because not all eligible patients underwent discography.

The abstracts were prepared by Assoc Prof Bruce McPhee. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the Division of Orthopaedics, The University of Queensland, Clinical Sciences Building, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, 4029, Australia.