Introduction: The assessment of bone age using the standard Gruel and Pyle chart based on hand and wrist radiographs is usually carried out by Senior Radiologists. We performed a study to look at both intra and inter observer variability with different grades of clinicians.
Materials and Methods: 30 sets of wrist radiographs were selected at random. The investigators included a Senior Radiographer, a Consultant and Registrar Radiologist an Orthopaedic Consultant and Senior Orthopaedic Fellow.
Discussion: The Radiology team appear to be more consistent in their readings for the assessment of skeletal bone age than the Orthopaedic team. Howevr, it is interesting to note that although the Orthopaedic team are less consistent, when looking at the inter-observer variability, it suggests that both teams are equally well equipped to perform the task.
Conclusion: Our study suggests that we should not cross professional boundaries. Render unto Caeser what is Ceaser’s!
Mr James Robb – BSCOS Honorary Secretary, Mr Geoffrey Mill – Host of the meeting, Mr Robin Paton – Editorial Secretary. Correspondence should be sent to BSCOS, c/o Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PN.