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Introduction: Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a technique described for treating symptomatic osteochondral defects in the knee. It is contra-indicated, however, in a joint rendered unstable by a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). We present our early experience of combined ACL and ACI repair.

Methods: Patients underwent arthroscopic examination and cartilage harvesting of the knee. Chondrocytes were then cultured in plasma and a second operation was undertaken approximately four weeks later to repair the ruptured ACL with hamstring graft and to implant the chondrocytes via formal arthrotomy. Patients then underwent a graduated rehabilitation program and were reviewed at 6 and 12 months. Functional measurements were made using the Bentley functional scale and the modified Cincinnati rating system, with pain measured on a visual analogue scale. All patients also underwent formal clinical examination at each review.

Results: 4 out of the 5 patients reported an improvement in pain as measured on visual analogue scale, with 1 patient reporting no difference. 4 patients had stable knees as determined by negative anterior draw, negative Lachman’s test and negative pivot shift test; one patient showed improvement, but remained pivot shift positive. Improvements in Bentley scores were noted in 3 patients. Cincinnati scores were markedly improved in 3 patients and slightly improved in the remaining 2 patients. The only operative complications were a traction neuropraxia to the saphenous nerve of one patient requiring no treatment and a manipulation under anaesthesia for poor mobilisation in another patient, which was successful in improving range of movement. A further patient required arthroscopic trimming of the cartilage graft which had overgrown; this was also successful.

Conclusion: Symptomatic cartilage defects and ACL deficiency may co-exist in many patients and represent a treatment challenge. Our early results suggest that a combined ACL and ACI repair is a viable option in this group of patients and should reduce the anaesthetic and operative risks of a two-stage repair. More patients and longer follow up will be required to fully assess this technique.

Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Carlos Wigderowitz, Honorary Secretary BORS, University Dept of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY.