Method: We reviewed the hospital notes of 45 patients who underwent a lumbar discectomy over a 30month period. The care pathway was divided into three components: Pre-Hospital Wait (time from GP referral to first outpatient appointment), Hospital Wait (first out-patient appointment to being listed for surgery) and the Waiting List period.
The patients were divided into three groups: those following a standard pathway (group I), patients referred with an MRI scan (group II) and emergency admissions to hospital (group III).
Results: The groups I, II and III comprised of 18, 12 and 7 patients respectively. The mean Pre-Hospital Wait in weeks was 16 (group I) and 14 (group II). The Hospital Wait was 12 (group I), 3 (group II) and 1 (group III). The Waiting List period was 26 (group I), 18 (group II) and 1 (group III). The difference in The Hospital Wait between groups I and II reached significance.
Discussion: The Waiting List Period is often blamed as the causa principale for a delay in treatment. This review shows that a considerable time is spent in the Hospital Wait period and draws attention to a recognised delay in the care pathway, which requires a multidisciplinary approach to reduce its effect.
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