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7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisbon - 4-7 June, 2005


Patients with spinal cord injuries have been seen to have increased healing of attendant fractures. This for the main has been a clinical observation with laboratory work confined to rats. While the benefits in relation to quicker fracture healing are obvious, this excessive bone growth (heterotopic ossification) also causes unwanted side effects, such as decreased movement around joints, joint fusion and renal tract calculi. However, the cause for this phenomenon remains unclear.

This paper evaluates two groups with spinal column fractures – those with neurological compromise (n=10) and those without (n=11), and compares them with a control group with isolated long bone fractures (n=10). Serum was taken from these patients at five specific time intervals post injury (1 day, 5 days, 10 days, 42 days (6 weeks) and 84 days(12 weeks)). These samples were then analysed for levels of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta (TGF-b) using the ELISA technique. This cytokine has been shown to stimulate bone formation after both topical and systemic administration.

Results show TGF-b levels of 142.79+/−29.51 ng/ml in the neurology group at 84 days post injury. This is higher than any of the other time points within this group (p< 0.001 vs. day 1, day 5 and day 10 and p=0.005 vs. 42 days, ANOVA univariate analysis). Furthermore, this level is also higher than the levels recorded in the no neurology (103.51+/−36.81 ng/ml) and long bone (102.28=/−47.58 ng/ml) groups at 84 days post injury (p=0.011 and p=0.021 respectively, ANOVA univariate analysis). There was statistically significant difference in TGF-b levels seen between the clinically more severely injured patients i.e. complete neurological deficit and the less severely injured patients i.e. incomplete neurological deficit.

In conclusion, the results of this work, carried out for the first time in humans, offers strong evidence of the causative role of TGF-b in the increased bone turnover and attendant complications seen in patients with acute spinal cord injuries.

Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Roger Lemaire. Correspondence should be addressed to EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.