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7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisbon - 4-7 June, 2005


Introduction: Surgeons in the UK and Europe generally use a thinner cement mantle than their counterparts in the USA for the femoral component in total hip replacement. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of different thicknesses of cement mantle using finite element analysis. A linear-elastic model of the implanted femur is used to give a prediction of the stresses in the cement mantle and in the femoral cortex. These measures give an indication of cement cracking rates and stress shielding. To assess the reliability of our model in representing patients with different bone densities, we use a range of cancellous bone stiffnesses.

Method: Two cadaveric femora from the same donor were sized, reamed and implanted with identical Stanmore Hips. One was prepared using UK rasps, over-reaming by 2mm, the other using US rasps, over-reaming by 5mm. Serial CT-scans were used to create three-dimensional geometric models of the implanted femora. Two finite element meshes were hand-built in MSC.Marc finite element software, incorporating cortical and cancellous bone, bone cement and prosthesis, with a bonded stem-cement interface. Loading conditions were chosen to represent the heel-strike phase of gait. In order to assess the impact of variability in patient bone density, cancellous bone modulus was varied between 0.06 and 2.90 GPa.

Results: Equivalent stress was examined on the external surface of the cortex and the internal surface of the cement mantle. The lowest cortical bone stresses were proximal and the highest cement stresses around the distal tip of the prosthesis. In the proximal cortex, higher equivalent stresses were observed medially and laterally with a thick cement mantle. Distally, lower cement stresses were observed in the thick cement mantle. With the highest cancellous modulus, there was little difference between the two models. As this modulus was reduced, stress differences between the models became more apparent.

Discussion: Proximal stress shielding was greatest in the calcar, in agreement with clinical findings. The thicker cement mantle led to less stress shielding in this region. Cement stresses, highest around the distal tip of the prosthesis, were larger in the thin cement mantle. This suggests a higher rate of both cracking and bone resorption with thin cement mantles, particularly in patients with low bone density.

Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Roger Lemaire. Correspondence should be addressed to EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.