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Introduction: Over the past decade metal-on-metal bearings in the form of hip resurfacings have been increasing in popularity and with it, an associated interest in the potential side effects of elevated serum metal ion levels.

Method: We prospectively measured the cobalt and chromium serum levels of 20 patients over a two-year period following Birmingham hip resurfacing. Cobalt was measured with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and chromium using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.

Results: For serum cobalt there was an initial increase, to a peak at six months then a gradual decline. A similar pattern was observed for chromium, although the peak occurred slightly later at nine months.

Conclusion: One-off single measurements of metallic ion levels is of minimal clinical use, when the actual pattern of ion elevation and fall is not known. This study allows us to expect a peak at certain times following a hip resurfacing and a gradual decline thereafter.

These abstracts were prepared by Editorial Secretary, George Sikorski. Correspondence should be addressed to Australian Orthopaedic Association, Ground Floor, The William Bland Centre, 229 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.

None of the authors is receiving any financial benefit or support from any source.