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Background: Interventional MRI provides a novel non-invasive method of in-vivo weight-bearing analysis of the subtalar joint. Preceding in-vivo experimentation with stereophotogammetry of volunteers embedded with tantalum beads has produced valuable data on relative talo-calcaneal motion (Lundberg et al. 1989). However the independent motion of each bone remains unanswered.

Materials and Methods: Six healthy males (mean 28.8 years), with no previous foot pathology, underwent static right foot weight bearing MRI imaging at 0°, 15° inversion, and 15° eversion. Using identifiable radiological markers the absolute and relative rotational and translational motion of the talus and calcaneum were analysed.

Results and Discussion: Inversion: The calcaneum externally rotates, plantar-flexes and angulates into varus. The talus shows greater plantar-flexion with similar varus angulation, with variable axial rotation. Relative talo-calcaneal motion thus involves, 6° relative talar internal rotation, 3.2° flexion and no motion in the frontal plane. Concurrently the talus moves laterally on the calcaneum, by 6.5mm, with variable translations in other planes. This results in posterior facet gapping and riding up of the talus at its posterolateral prominence. Eversion: The calcaneum plantar-flexes, undergoes valgus angulation, and shows variable rotation in the axial plane. The talus plantar-flexes less, externally rotates, and shifts into varus. Relative motion in the axial plane reverses rotations seen during inversion (2.5° talar external rotation). The 8° of relative valgus talo-calcaneal angulation is achieved consistently through considerable varus angulation of the talus, in a direction opposite to the input motion. This phenomenon has not been previously reported. From coronal MRI data, comparative talo-calcaneal motion in inversion is prevented by high bony congruity, whereas during eversion, the taut posterior tibio-talar ligament prevents talar valgus angulation.

Conclusion: We have demonstrated that Interventional MRI scanning is a valuable tool to analysing the weight bearing motion of the talo-calcaneal joint, whilst approaching the diagnostic accuracy of stereophoto-gammetry. We have also demonstrated consistent unexpected talar motion in the frontal plane. Talo-calcaneal motion is highly complex involving simultaneous rotation and translation, and hence calculations of instantaneous axes of rotation cannot effectively describe talo-calcaneal motion. We would suggest that relating individual and relative motion of the talus / calcaneum better describes subtalar kinematics.

Correspondence should be addressed to Carlos Widgerowitz, Honorary Secretary BORS, Division of Surgery and Oncology, Section of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Tort Centre, Dundee DD1 9SY, Scotland.