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Injuries to the lower urinary tract are well recognized following fractures to the pelvic ring. The overall incidence of pelvic fractures is similar in men and women. However associated urological injuries occur less frequently in women. There are very few reported cases of combined bladder and urethral injury or combined intra- and extraperitoneal bladder rupture in women. Only two cases have been reported describing communication of the hip joint and an extra peritoneal bladder rupture.

To our knowledge we are the first to describe a pelvic ring injury complicated by combined intra and extra-peritoneal bladder rupture, urethral injury and direct intraperitoneal communication of the ruptured bladder with a central dislocation of the hip joint. The mechanism of bladder laceration was gross displacement of the quadrilateral plate and pubic rami following acetabular fracture. This bone was found at laparotomy to be lying within the bladder cavity.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Peter Kay, Editorial Secretary. Correspondence should be addressed to British Hip Society, The Hip Centre, Wrightington Hospital, Appley Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9EP.