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Recent years have seen a decided swing from the longstanding inpatient model of rehabilitation to an outpatient model for all branches of medicine in Australia. This swing has been largely cost-driven and is unlikely to change.

This paper reports on the development of a Paediatric Spinal Outreach Team (ORT) in New South Wales (NSW). The ORT was formed in 1993 and consists of a nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and a social worker. It functions in close collaboration with the two children’s hospitals in Sydney. Approximately 10–11 new cases of paraplegia/quadriplegia occur in children/adolescents (up to 18 years of age) in NSW each year (population approx. 6 million). Their therapeutic needs change with growth, development and maturation. Families in regional NSW have special requirements and web-site information services (distance education) will play an important role for them in the future. Integration with an organisation which provides ancillary services is essential for a comprehensive, state-wide programme.

It is suggested that a comparable service would play an equally important role in other countries. Case studies to demonstrate savings to be made with this type of service need to be done to secure recurrent government funding.

The abstracts were prepared by Jean-Claude Theis. Correspondence should be addressed to him at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dunedin Hospital, Private Bag 1921, Dunedin, New Zealand.