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In this work we mean explain our clinical experience about the use of a T.R.K. mobile meniscal bearing implanted during the 2000 and 2001 in our institute. The prostheses design allows the motion of the polietilenic component 5mm in the anteroposterior directions and 12.5 degrees in the internal and external rotation.

In association with the shaping of the femural contact surfaces this design allows a huge upgrade of contact surfaces compared with other protheses already in use. We have evaluated 17 patients on short term follow up, patients operated in our division, four males and 13 females. The average ages are 68 ± 8.

The indication was in all cases gonartrosis. The evaluation protocol includes:

§ Pre and post operative x rays (after 60 days);

§ Clinical evaluation of the range of motion;

§ D.E.X.A. mineralometry;

§ Stabilometric evaluation pre operative and after 6 months.

The first results have pointed out the disappearing of pain in all the patients, an optimal recovering of the articular function with no loss of extension, a good prothesic osteointegration (even in an initial phase in our cases) and the stabilometric evaluation confirms a soon proprioceptivity recovering and the motion of the operated limb.

After all this encouraging results we have decided to continue implanting this kind of protheses as we think that not only it warrants a better range of motion, but the utmost null polietilenic debris may allows a longer life to the implant as a consequence of the reduced stress rate.

The abstracts were prepared by Nico Verdonschot. Correspondence should be addressed to him at Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, University Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.