Aims: We studied the prevalence of calciþc tendinopathy in asymptomatic subjects and the relationship between calciþc deposits and the anatomopathological characteristic of coracoacromial arch. Methods: 222 right-handed volunteers underwent x-ray examination of the right shoulder. We measured the acromiohumeral distance (AHD) and evaluated the acromion shape and the degenerative changes of the GH and AC joints. We measured the size of the deposits and classiþed the calciþcations based on their location, shape and neatness. The subjects with deposits were clinically evaluated and underwent a second x-ray study after 14 months. Results: 11 subjects (5%) had calciþcation. The latter was in the substance of supraspinatus in 5(mean age 45 yrs) and at cuff insertion in 6 (66 yrs). The deposits measured 0.7±0.3cm (avg). There were 3 linear and 2 beanlike intratendinous calciþcations and 5 linear and 1 beanlike deposits at tendon insertion. Calciþcations had well-deþned margins. AHD, acromion shape, arthritic of the GH or AC joint were unrelated to the presence of calciþcations. No subject showed evidence of cuff tear. Intratendinous deposit decreased in size in 2 cases and disappeared in 1. Conclusions: 5% of asymptomatic subjects have calciþcations. Calciþcations are always small and well-deþned. Morphology and changes of the cora-coacromial arch or the GH or AC joint donñt inßuence the deposition of calcium. Our study suggests that calciþcations may decrease in size or disappear without completion of Uhthoffñs cycle.
Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Dr. Frantz Langlais. Correspondence should be addressed to him at EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.