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Aims: This study aims to identify whether there is seasonal variation in proximal femoral fractures in ageing population. Methods: We carried out a study to find out whether there is a definite variation in the incidence of these fractures. The number of operated proximal femoral fractures across 31 hospitals of Northwest England and Scotland were collected on a monthly basis from 1994 to 1999. This database of 27,000 operated proximal femoral fractures was assessed statistically. Results: Our analysis reveals that the incidence of these fractures during December is about 17% higher than rest of the annual mean with a 2% standard error of the mean (SEM) and in January this increase is about 22% with a SEM of 1%. These trend and pattern were observed for both intra and extra capsular fractures of neck of femur and was consistent over the five years. There was no other significant change in the incidence pattern during other months of the year. Conclusions: This study, one of the largest of its kind ever carried out, proves that there is an increase in the incidence of hip fractures in the months of December and January. There should be appropriate allocation of manpower and rehabilitation facilities during the months of December and January to tackle this seasonal variation.

Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Dr. Frantz Langlais. Correspondence should be addressed to him at EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.