Diabetic foot is a disease with social, familiarly and economic charge.
Usually the patients with neuropathic diabetic foot have a compromise in large vessels of the calf that invalids most of the techniques of Plastic Surgery for reconstruction for skin losses of the foot.
The authors describe the utilization of little fragments of skin (proximally 4 mm diameter) draw under local anaesthesia in the tight. The receptor area due not have infection and clean of necrotic tissue. Tendons have also due excised or recovered of granulation tissue With this technique they have treated 4 patients; 3 have total recuperation of the lesion and in one, with a scar in the hallux, all the skin has lost. The largest area of the lesion treated has 8 x 6 cm, and time o healing has 12 weeks.
The reconstitution of the donor area is complete at 4 weeks with no scars.
The authors conclude that this technique is valid for dorsal loss of skin due to neuropathic diabetic foot.
Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Dr. Frantz Langlais. Correspondence should be addressed to him at EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.