Aim. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of a balanced interscalene and general anaesthetic and its potential for use in increasing the provision of day case shoulder surgery.
Patients and Methods. 104 patients undergoing shoulder surgery were audited using a questionnaire immediately postoperatively, and at 6, 12 and 48 hours. Pain scores were recorded using a visual analogue scale. Operative details including operation time, postoperative stay and complications have also been recorded. At 48 hours patients were asked about having their operation as a day case and their pain control was assessed.
Results. 52 males and 52 females mean age 49 years (range 18–85) completed the questionnaire. 90 responded to a 48-hour interview. 75 arthroscopic decompressions, 15 arthroscopically assisted mini open cuff repairs, 9 open glenohumeral stabilisations and 5 open Mumford procedures were performed. Mean operation time was 47 minutes (range 25–90) and 101 patients were discharged after one (86 patients) or two (15 patients) postoperative nights. 97 patients had no pain immediately postoperatively, 76 were pain free at 6 hours and 39 were pain free at 12 hours. Mean pain scores at 6 and 12 hours were 3 and 4. 101 patients said that their pain was well controlled throughout the first 48 hours with simple oral analgesics. 83% of patients expressing an opinion on day case treatment (69 out of 83) could have been managed as day cases provided that they were adequately counseled about the procedure. 6 patients showed signs of Horner’s syndrome that resolved fully by 12 hours. No other complications related to the inter-scalene block occurred.
Conclusion. This study has shown that interscalene anaesthesia is a safe procedure providing sustained and adequate pain relief. In association with oral analgesia and patient counselling it allows a high percentage of patients undergoing shoulder surgery to be discharged home on the day of surgery.
The abstracts were prepared by Eleni Koutsoukou. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST), 20, A. Fleming str, 15123 Marousi, Athens, Greece.