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Management of symptomatic residual acetabular dysplasia in adolescence and early adulthood remains a major therapeutic challenge. At our unit the two senior authors review all patients preoperatively and simultaneously perform each procedure. In the four years from 1998 forty-three Bernese osteotomies were performed in 40 patients with residual acetabular dysplasia. The mean average age at surgery was 21 years (range 12 – 43 years) and there were 34 female patients. The indication for surgery was symptomatic hip dysplasia (all idiopathic but for one male with a history of slipped capital femoral epiphysis) presenting with pain and restricted ambulation. 4 patients had previous surgery on the affected hip (2 Salter’s osteotomy, one Shelf procedure and one proximal femoral osteotomy). 27.5% of patients had symptomatic bilateral disease. 42% of patients had Severin class IV or V dysplasia at presentation. 100% of patients had preservation of the hip joint at last follow-up evaluation (mean 2.4 years), with excellent results in 82%, an average post-operative Harris hip score of 96, and an average d’Aubigne hip score of 16.1. The mean post-operative improvements in radiographic measures were as follows: Anterior centre edge angle +19.4°, Lateral centre angle +25.8°, Acetabular Index – 10.7°. Head to Ischial distance – 7.3mm. Surgical operative time decreased from 128 minutes to 43 minutes from the first to the most recent case. Average blood loss has reduced from 1850mls to 420mls over the four years experience. Predonation of 2 units of blood requested from all patients with baseline hemoglobin of > 12g/dl. When combined with intraoperative cell salvage the need for transfusion of homologous blood has been eliminated. All complications occurred in the first 9 patients: (one major – iliac vein injury requiring no further treatment; four moderate – lateral cutaneous nerve injuries; four minor – asymptomatic heterotopic ossification). Our experience confirms that the Ganz peri-acetabular osteotomy is an efficacious procedure for the treatment of the residually dysplastic hip, providing excellent clinical results, where early intervention is the key to improved outcome. It is a technically demanding procedure with a significant early learning curve and we believe that a two-surgeon approach is invaluable to the management of these difficult cases.

The abstracts were prepared by Raymond Moran. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the Irish Orthopaedic Assocation, c/o Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland.