Introduction: The majority of forearm fractures in children can be managed with a plaster cast alone and manipulation under anaesthetic as required. A small number of cases however require surgical intervention. A variety of methods are available but the use of elastic intramedullary nails is becoming the technique of choice.
Method: We present a two-centre study assessing the outcome of either Elastic StabJe Intramedullary Nails (ESIN) or Kirschner wires as the method of fracture stabilisation in diaphyseal forearm fractures of the radius and ulna.
Results: ESIN group: 24 children underwent ESIN fixation. There were 22 boys and 2 girls, mean age 9.4 years (1.4–15.2 years, p=O.ll). Indications for stabilisation included 21 cases for fracture instability (immediate or delayed,) 2 irreducible fractures and 1 open fracture. 14 children underwent surgery on the day they sustained their fracture. The remainder were operated on an average 6.5 days following injury (1–14 days). In the K wire group: 36 children underwent K-wires fixation with 2.5mrn wires. There were 21 boys and 15 girls, mean age 10.6 years (2.2–15.5 years). Indication for stabilisation included 22 cases for fracture instability , 6 irreducible fractures and 8 open fractures. 32 children underwent surgery on the day they sustained their fracture. The remaining 4 patients were operated on the following day.
Conclusions: All fractures united with no resultant subjective disability. The complication rate following K-wires was 16% and that following nail fixation 9%. Loss of forearm rotation was documented in 4 children in the K-wire group and 3 children stabilised with nails. These results confirm an excellent outcome following intramedullary fixation. We have demonstrated no difference in outcome between K-wires and ESIN, although the elastic nails do offer some theoretical advantages.
Local Host: British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery. Conference Theme: Congenital Deficiencies of the Lower Limb. These abstracts were prepared by A.Catterall.