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The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of polyethylene wear in a fixed bearing knee replacement in order to establish a norm against which mobile bearing implants can be judged.

Method: Eighteen all polyethylene tibial components were retrieved when a St Georg Sled unicompartmental replacement was being revised. This prosthesis has a biconvex femoral component and a totally flat tibia; thus point loading occurs on at implantation. The implants had been in situ between 6 and 110 months, revision was predominantly for progression of the arthritic process.

Linear wear was measured using an electronic micrometer and volumetric wear by creating a mould of the defect using dental wax, and subsequently weighing the wax.

Results: All components developed dishing which varied in orientation but matched the alignment of the femoral component. A near congruous articulation was thus produced correctly aligned for that particular arthroplasty. The mean linear penetrative wear for the group was 0.33mm (0.09mm per year) and the volumetric wear 124mm³ (26mm³ per year). The rate of wear seemed greatest during the second year.

Conclusion: The wear rate for this totally non congruous implant was much less than anticipated. The linear penetrative wear is comparable to that reported for Charnley hip replacement though more than for a fully congruent mobile UKR. The volumetric wear is much lower than that thought to cause osteolysis. The surprisingly low wear rate suggests that the need for mobile bearing UKRs, with their greater technical demands, should be questioned.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Roger Smith. Correspondence should be addressed to him c/o British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons, 35-42 Lindoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN.