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We retrospectively reviewed 10 children treated for tuberculosis of the elbow over a 21-year period from 1979 to 1999.

The mean age at diagnosis was 5.5 years (1 to 11). The median duration of symptoms was 10 weeks (l week to 18 months). The patients presented mainly with swelling of the elbow joint due to synovitis. Radiological appearances of the elbow at presentation were assessed according to Kerri and Martini’s classification. One elbow was stage I (osteopoenia), eight were stage II (osteopoenia and erosions) and one stage III (joint space narrowing).

Open biopsy was performed on all patients. There was positive histology (caseating granuloma) and/or positive culture in eight patients. Of the two patients with non-specific histology and negative culture, one was found on chest radiograph to have tuberculosis involvement and the other healed on anti-tuberculosis therapy. All patients were treated with rifampicin, isoniazide and pyrazinamide for nine months. No synovectomy was done. Postoperatively all patients were immobilised in a backslab and then actively mobilised.

At a mean follow-up of three years (1 to 10), patients were assessed according to a modification of Kerri and Martini’s classification. Seven of the eight stage-I or stage-II patients had an excellent result (full range of movement) or good result (loss of less than 30% of range of movement). One stage-II patient had a fair result (loss of range of movement of 30% to 50%). The stage-III patient had a poor result (loss of more than 50% of range of movement).

We concluded that elbows with stage-I and stage-II disease (synovitis) have a good outcome. Anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy is effective in the treatment of stage-I and stage II disease. Synovectomy is unnecessary.

The abstracts were prepared by Professor M. B. E. Sweet. Correspondence should be addressed to him at The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical School, University of Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 South Africa