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Repair of cartilage lesions using biological implants. A comparative histological and biomechanical study in goats

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We report the experimental use of three different biological implants to restore articular surface defects: glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine meniscal xenograft, glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine costal cartilage xenograft, and viable osteochondral allografts. The grafts were implanted in the knees of 19 goats who were allowed free-field activity and were studied for up to one year. The natural articular surfaces of meniscal fibrocartilage provided excellent articular surfaces at all times. Equally good articular surfaces were restored by host tissue growth covering costal cartilage grafts at six months, but by 12 months this surface had degenerated. The majority of the allografts survived and integrated with the host at six months, but many showed signs of failure at 12 months. Only three out of seven ungrafted defects healed completely at six months and the healed surfaces were degenerating at 12 months.

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