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Bone and joint lesions associated with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. A clinical and histological study

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We have reviewed 41 patients with pustulotic arthro-osteopathy (PAO), all having both the typical skin rash of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris and bone lesions. The most common bones affected were the clavicle, sternum and ribs. Changes in the clavicle started, not as an enthesopathy, but with periosteal bone formation, indicative of a bone marrow disorder. About 30% of the patients also had lesions in the spine, sacroiliac region or the peripheral joints. Bone and joint lesions followed a variable and intermittent clinical course over a long period of time. Biopsies in eight cases showed similar inflammatory changes in skin, bone and synovium, with infiltration of lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. This suggests that there is a common pathogenesis in the three tissues.

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