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Treatment of post-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head by multiple drilling and muscle-pedicle bone grafting. Preliminary report

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Twenty-nine patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head after injury have been treated by operation. Multiple drilling of the femoral head was performed, necrotic bone removed and a muscle-pedicle bone graft implanted into the head and neck of the femur. In 17 of the patients the necrosis was associated with an un-united femoral neck fracture, in 11 it occurred after the fracture had united, and one case followed reduction of a dislocated hip. The hips became painless soon after operation. The patients were young (average age 35 years), and full weight-bearing was not allowed for several months. The follow-up period ranged from 22 to 64 months. The results were excellent in 20 patients, good in five, fair in three and poor in one.

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