It will be seen that the proportion of successful fusions in this series of ninety-five patients treated by ischio-femoral arthrodesis of the hip was over 80 per cent. Similar percentages of successful fusion have been reported by Knight (1945), Freiberg (1946), Langston (1947), and Nisbet, who was resident surgical officer at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, and informed me in a personal communication that he had carried out twenty-six operations with an approximate fusion rate of 80 per cent. He stated: "It is the only operation which gives a reasonable chance of a successful arthrodesis in children. Up till now at Oswestry the chances of a fusion by the other methods in children have proved so disappointing that the operation had been abandoned. Dame Agnes Hunt, with her vast experience of the condition, was always very annoyed when she found a surgeon trying to fuse a child's hip. All this has been changed."