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The ability of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
to differentiate
Despite their increasing application in clinical trials, the
origin and role of MSCs in the development, repair and regeneration
of organs have remained unclear. Until recently, MSCs could only
be isolated in a process that requires culture in a laboratory;
these cells were being used for tissue engineering without understanding
their native location and function. MSCs isolated in this indirect
way have been used in clinical trials and remain the reference standard
cellular substrate for musculoskeletal engineering. The therapeutic
use of autologous MSCs is currently limited by the need for
In this annotation we provide an update on the recent developments in the understanding of the identity of MSCs within tissues and outline how this may affect their use in orthopaedic surgery in the future.
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We performed a case–control study to compare
the rates of further surgery, revision and complications, operating time
and survival in patients who were treated with either an uncemented
hydroxyapatite-coated Corail bipolar femoral stem or a cemented
Exeter stem for a displaced intracapsular fracture of the hip. The
mean age of the patients in the uncemented group was 82.5 years
(53 to 97) and in the cemented group was 82.7 years (51 to 99) We used
propensity score matching, adjusting for age, gender and the presence
or absence of dementia and comorbidities, to produce a matched cohort
receiving an Exeter stem (n = 69) with which to compare the outcome of
patients receiving a Corail stem (n = 69). The Corail had a significantly
lower all-cause rate of further surgery (p = 0.016; odds ratio (OR)
0.18, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.84) and number of hips undergoing major further
surgery (p = 0.029; OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.01 to 1.09). The mean operating
time was significantly less for the Corail group than for the cemented Exeter
group (59 min [12 to 136]
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It has recently been reported that the transverse acetabular ligament (TAL) is helpful in determining the position of the acetabular component in total hip replacement (THR). In this study we used a computer-assisted navigation system to determine whether the TAL is useful as a landmark in THR. The study was carried out in 121 consecutive patients undergoing primary THR (134 hips), including 67 dysplastic hips (50%). There were 26 men (29 hips) and 95 women (105 hips) with a mean age of 60.2 years (17 to 82) at the time of operation. After identification of the TAL, its anteversion was measured intra-operatively by aligning the inferomedial rim of the trial acetabular component with the TAL using computer-assisted navigation. The TAL was identified in 112 hips (83.6%). Intra-observer reproducibility in the measurement of anteversion of the TAL was high, but inter-observer reproducibility was moderate.
Each surgeon was able to align the trial component according to the target value of the angle of anteversion of the TAL, but it was clear that methods may differ among surgeons. Of the measurements of the angle of anteversion of the TAL, 5.4% (6 of 112 hips) were outliers from the safe zone.
In summary, we found that the TAL is useful as a landmark when implanting the acetabular component within the safe zone in almost all hips, and to prevent it being implanted in retroversion in all hips, including dysplastic hips. However, as anteversion of the TAL may be excessive in a few hips, it is advisable to pay attention to individual variations, particularly in those with severe posterior pelvic tilt.
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The orientation of the acetabular component can influence both the short- and long-term outcomes of total hip replacement (THR). We performed a prospective, randomised, controlled trial of two groups, comprising of 40 patients each, in order to compare freehand introduction of the component with introduction using the transverse acetabular ligament (TAL) as a reference for anteversion. Anteversion and inclination were measured on pelvic radiographs.
With respect to anteversion, in the freehand group 22.5% of the
components were outside the safe zone
With respect to inclination, in the freehand group 37.5% of the
components were outside the safe zone
The transverse acetabular ligament may be used to obtain the appropriate anteversion when introducing the acetabular component during THR, but not acetabular component inclination.
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We retrospectively reviewed 44 consecutive patients (50 hips) who underwent acetabular re-revision after a failed previous revision that had been performed using structural or morcellised allograft bone, with a cage or ring for uncontained defects. Of the 50 previous revisions, 41 cages and nine rings were used with allografts for 14 minor-column and 36 major-column defects. We routinely assessed the size of the acetabular bone defect at the time of revision and re-revision surgery. This allowed us to assess whether host bone stock was restored. We also assessed the outcome of re-revision surgery in these circumstances by means of radiological characteristics, rates of failure and modes of failure. We subsequently investigated the factors that may affect the potential for the restoration of bone stock and the durability of the re-revision reconstruction using multivariate analysis.
At the time of re-revision, there were ten host acetabula with no significant defects, 14 with contained defects, nine with minor-column, seven with major-column defects and ten with pelvic discontinuity. When bone defects at re-revision were compared with those at the previous revision, there was restoration of bone stock in 31 hips, deterioration of bone stock in nine and remained unchanged in ten. This was a significant improvement (p < 0.001). Morselised allografting at the index revision was not associated with the restoration of bone stock.
In 17 hips (34%), re-revision was possible using a simple acetabular component without allograft, augments, rings or cages. There were 47 patients with a mean follow-up of 70 months (6 to 146) available for survival analysis. Within this group, the successful cases had a minimum follow-up of two years after re-revision. There were 22 clinical or radiological failures (46.7%), 18 of which were due to aseptic loosening. The five and ten year Kaplan–Meier survival rate was 75% (95% CI, 60 to 86) and 56% (95% CI, 40 to 70) respectively with aseptic loosening as the endpoint. The rate of aseptic loosening was higher for hips with pelvic discontinuity (p = 0.049) and less when the allograft had been in place for longer periods (p = 0.040).
The use of a cage or ring over structural allograft bone for massive uncontained defects in acetabular revision can restore host bone stock and facilitate subsequent re-revision surgery to a certain extent.
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There have been differing descriptions of the anterolateral structures of the knee, and not all have been named or described clearly. The aim of this study was to provide a clear anatomical interpretation of these structures. We dissected 40 fresh-frozen cadaveric knees to view the relevant anatomy and identified a consistent structure in 33 knees (83%); we termed this the anterolateral ligament of the knee. This structure passes antero-distally from an attachment proximal and posterior to the lateral femoral epicondyle to the margin of the lateral tibial plateau, approximately midway between Gerdy’s tubercle and the head of the fibula. The ligament is superficial to the lateral (fibular) collateral ligament proximally, from which it is distinct, and separate from the capsule of the knee. In the eight knees in which it was measured, we observed that the ligament was isometric from 0° to 60° of flexion of the knee, then slackened when the knee flexed further to 90° and was lengthened by imposing tibial internal rotation.
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The primary aim of this study was to develop a patient-reported Activity & Participation Questionnaire (the OKS-APQ) to supplement the Oxford knee score, in order to assess higher levels of activity and participation. The generation of items for the questionnaire involved interviews with 26 patients. Psychometric analysis (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis) guided the reduction of items and the generation of a scale within a prospective study of 122 relatively young patients (mean age 61.5 years (42 to 71)) prior to knee replacement. A total of 99, completed pre-operative and six month post-operative assessments (new items, OKS, Short-Form 36 and American Knee Society Score).
The eight-item OKS-APQ scale is unidimensional, reliable (Cronbach’s alpha 0.85; intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.79; or 0.92 when one outlier was excluded), valid (r > 0.5 with related scales) and responsive (effect size 4.16).
We recommend that it is used with the OKS with adults of all ages when further detail regarding the levels of activity and participation of a patient is required.
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Between 2003 and 2007, 99 knees in 77 patients
underwent opening wedge high tibial osteotomy. We evaluated the effect
of initial stable fixation combined with an artificial bone substitute
on the mid- to long-term outcome after medial opening-wedge high
tibial osteotomy (HTO) for medial compartmental osteoarthritis or
spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee in 78 knees in 64 patients
available for review at a minimum of five years (mean age 68 years;
49 to 82). The mean follow-up was 6.5 years (5 to 10). The mean
Knee Society knee score and function score improved from 49.6 (
Opening-wedge HTO using a stable plate fixation system combined with a bone substitute is a reliable procedure that provides excellent results. Although this treatment might seem challenging for older patients, our results strongly suggest that the results are equally good.
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The cementless Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement has been demonstrated to have superior fixation on radiographs and a similar early complication rate compared with the cemented version. However, a small number of cases have come to our attention where, after an apparently successful procedure, the tibial component subsides into a valgus position with an increased posterior slope, before becoming well-fixed. We present the clinical and radiological findings of these six patients and describe their natural history and the likely causes. Two underwent revision in the early post-operative period, and in four the implant stabilised and became well-fixed radiologically with a good functional outcome.
This situation appears to be avoidable by minor modifications to the operative technique, and it appears that it can be treated conservatively in most patients.
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Little is known about the incidence of rotator cuff pathology or its demographic associations in the general population. We undertook a large epidemiological study of rotator cuff pathology in the United Kingdom using The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database. The incidence of rotator cuff pathology was 87 per 100 000 person-years. It was more common in women than in men (90 cases per 100 000 person-years in women and 83 per 100 000 person-years in men; p < 0.001). The highest incidence of 198 per 100 000 person-years was found in those aged between 55 and 59 years. The regional distribution of incidence demonstrated an even spread across 13 UK health authorities except Wales, where the incidence was significantly higher (122 per 100 000 person-years; p < 0.001). The lowest socioeconomic group had the highest incidence (98 per 100 000 person-years). The incidence has risen fourfold since 1987 and as of 2006 shows no signs of plateauing.
This study represents the largest general population study of rotator cuff pathology reported to date. The results obtained provide an enhanced appreciation of the epidemiology of rotator cuff pathology and may help to direct future upper limb orthopaedic services.
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The ideal treatment for traumatic anterior dislocation
of the shoulder in the skeletally immature patient is controversial.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes after either conservative
and/or surgical treatment using the Latarjet technique. A retrospective
series of 49 out of 80 patients were reviewed. We found no significant differences
between either treatment method regarding functional scores and
pain levels. Although not statistically significant, post-surgical
patients showed better signs of shoulder stability than others who
have a higher rate of recurrence. Further, 92% of the post-surgical
group had returned to the same level of activity
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Few studies have examined the order in which a spinal osteotomy and total hip replacement (THR) are to be performed for patients with ankylosing spondylitis. We have retrospectively reviewed 28 consecutive patients with ankylosing spondylitis who underwent both a spinal osteotomy and a THR from September 2004 to November 2012. In the cohort 22 patients had a spinal osteotomy before a THR (group 1), and six patients had a THR before a spinal osteotomy (group 2). The mean duration of follow-up was 3.5 years (2 to 9). The spinal sagittal Cobb angle of the vertebral osteotomy segment was corrected from a pre-operative kyphosis angle of 32.4 (SD 15.5°) to a post-operative lordosis 29.6 (SD 11.2°) (p < 0.001). Significant improvements in pain, function and range of movement were observed following THR. In group 2, two of six patients had an early anterior dislocation. The spinal osteotomy was performed two weeks after the THR. At follow-up, no hip has required revision in either group. Although this non-comparative study only involved a small number of patients, given our experience, we believe a spinal osteotomy should be performed prior to a THR, unless the deformity is so severe that the procedure cannot be performed.
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Fractures in patients aged ≥ 65 years constitute an increasing burden on health and social care and are associated with a high morbidity and mortality. There is little accurate information about the epidemiology of fractures in the elderly. We have analysed prospectively collected data on 4786 in- and out-patients who presented with a fracture over two one-year periods. Analysis shows that there are six patterns of the incidence of fractures in patients aged ≥ 65 years. In males six types of fracture increase in incidence after the age of 65 years and 11 types increase in females aged over 65 years. Five types of fracture decrease in incidence after the age of 65 years. Multiple fractures increase in incidence in both males and females aged ≥ 65 years, as do fractures related to falls.
Analysis of the incidence of fractures, together with life expectancy, shows that the probability of males and females aged ≥ 65 years having a fracture during the rest of their life is 18.5% and 52.0%, respectively. The equivalent figures for males and females aged ≥ 80 years are 13.3% and 34.8%, respectively.
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We retrospectively reviewed 2989 consecutive patients with a mean age of 81 (21 to 105) and a female to male ratio of 5:2 who were admitted to our hip fracture unit between July 2009 and February 2013. We compared weekday and weekend admission and weekday and weekend surgery 30-day mortality rates for hip fractures treated both surgically and conservatively. After adjusting for confounders, weekend admission was independently and significantly associated with a rise in 30-day mortality (odds ratio (OR) 1.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02 to 1.9; p = 0.039) for patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. There was no increase in mortality associated with weekend surgery (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.8 to 1.7; p = 0.39). All hip fracture patients, whether managed surgically or conservatively, were more likely to die as an inpatient when admitted at the weekend (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.80; p = 0.032), despite our unit having a comparatively low overall inpatient mortality (8.7%). Hip fracture patients admitted over the weekend appear to have a greater risk of death despite having a consultant-led service.
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This study explores the relationship between delay to surgical debridement and deep infection in a series of 364 consecutive patients with 459 open fractures treated at an academic level one trauma hospital in North America.
The mean delay to debridement for all fractures was 10.6 hours (0.6 to 111.5). There were 46 deep infections (10%). There were no infections among the 55 Gustilo-Anderson grade I open fractures. Among the grade II and III injuries, a statistically significant increase in the rate of deep infection was found for each hour of delay (OR = 1.033: 95% CI 1.01 to 1.057). This relationship shows a linear increase of 3% per hour of delay. No distinct time cut-off points were identified. Deep infection was also associated with tibial fractures (OR = 2.44: 95% CI 1.26 to 4.73), a higher Gustilo-Anderson grade (OR = 1.99: 95% CI 1.004 to 3.954), and contamination of the fracture (OR = 3.12: 95% CI 1.36 to 7.36). These individual effects are additive, which suggests that delayed debridement will have a clinically significant detrimental effect on more severe open fractures.
Delayed treatment appeared safe for grade 1 open fractures. However, when the negative prognostic factors of tibial site, high grade of fracture and/or contamination are present we recommend more urgent operative debridement.
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Using human cadaver specimens, we investigated the role of supplementary fibular plating in the treatment of distal tibial fractures using an intramedullary nail. Fibular plating is thought to improve stability in these situations, but has been reported to have increased soft-tissue complications and to impair union of the fracture. We proposed that multidirectional locking screws provide adequate stability, making additional fibular plating unnecessary. A distal tibiofibular osteotomy model performed on matched fresh-frozen lower limb specimens was stabilised with reamed nails using conventional biplanar distal locking (CDL) or multidirectional distal locking (MDL) options with and without fibular plating. Rotational stiffness was assessed under a constant axial force of 150 N and a superimposed torque of ± 5 Nm. Total movement, and neutral zone and fracture gap movement were analysed.
In the CDL group, fibular plating improved stiffness at the tibial fracture site, albeit to a small degree (p = 0.013). In the MDL group additional fibular plating did not increase the stiffness. The MDL nail without fibular plating was significantly more stable than the CDL nail with an additional fibular plate (p = 0.008).
These findings suggest that additional fibular plating does not improve stability if a multidirectional distal locking intramedullary nail is used, and is therefore unnecessary if not needed to aid reduction.
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Whether patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria
should be investigated and treated before elective hip and knee replacement
is controversial, although it is a widespread practice. We conducted
a prospective observational cohort study with urine analyses before
surgery and three days post-operatively. Patients with symptomatic
urinary infections or an indwelling catheter were excluded. Post-discharge
surveillance included questionnaires to patients and general practitioners
at three months. Among 510 patients (309 women and 201 men), with
a median age of 69 years (16 to 97) undergoing lower limb joint
replacements (290 hips and 220 knees), 182 (36%) had pre-operative asymptomatic
bacteriuria, mostly due to
We conclude that testing and treating asymptomatic urinary tract colonisation before joint replacement is unnecessary.
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The aim of this study was to determine if a change in antibiotic prophylaxis for routine hip and knee replacement was associated with an increased risk of acute renal impairment.
We identified 238 patients (128 knees and 110 hips) who had received a single prophylactic dose of 1.5 g cefuroxime before joint replacement. We compared them with prospectively collected data from 254 patients (117 knees and 137 hips) who received a single prophylactic dose of 2 g flucloxacillin and a height- and gender-determined dose of gentamicin. The primary outcome measure was any new renal impairment as graded by clinically validated criteria.
We identified four patients (1.69%) in the cefuroxime group who developed renal impairment. All four had mild impairment and all renal function was normal by the third post-operative day. The incidence of new-onset renal impairment was significantly higher in the flucloxacillin-and-gentamicin group at 9.45% (24 patients) (p < 0.001). Three of these patients remained with acute renal impairment after a week, although the serum creatinine levels in all subsequently returned to normal.
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We report our early experience with the use of a new prosthesis, the Modular Hemipelvic Prosthesis II, for reconstruction of the hemipelvis after resection of a primary malignant peri-acetabular tumour involving the sacroiliac joint.
We retrospectively reviewed the outcome of 17 patients who had undergone resection of a pelvic tumour and reconstruction with this prosthesis between July 2002 and July 2010.
One patient had a type I+II+III+IV resection (ilium + peri-acetabulum + pubis/ischium + sacrum) and 16 had a type I+II+IV resection (ilium + acetabulum + sacrum). The outcome was assessed at a mean follow-up of 33 months (15 to 59). One patient was alive with disease, 11 were alive without disease and five had died of disease. The overall five-year survival rate was 62.4%. Six patients had a local recurrence. The mean Musculoskeletal Tumour Society score was 58% (33 to 77). Deep infection occurred in two patients, problems with wound healing in five and dislocation in one.
For patients with a primary malignant peri-acetabular sarcoma involving the sacroiliac joint, we believe that this new prosthesis is a viable option for reconstruction of the bony defect left following resection of the tumour. It results in a satisfactory functional outcome with an acceptable rate of complications.
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The medial approach for the treatment of children with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in whom closed reduction has failed requires minimal access with negligible blood loss. In the United Kingdom, there is a preference for these children to be treated using an anterolateral approach after the appearance of the ossific nucleus. In this study we compared these two protocols, primarily for the risk of osteonecrosis.
Data were gathered prospectively for protocols involving the medial approach (26 hips in 22 children) and the anterolateral approach (22 hips in 21 children) in children aged < 24 months at the time of surgery. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head was assessed with validated scores. The acetabular index (AI) and centre–edge angle (CEA) were also measured.
The mean age of the children at the time of surgery was 11 months (3 to 24) for the medial approach group and 18 months (12 to 24) for the anterolateral group, and the combined mean follow-up was 70 months (26 to 228). Osteonecrosis of the femoral head was evident or asphericity predicted in three of 26 hips (12%) in the medial approach group and four of 22 (18%) in the anterolateral group (p = 0.52). The mean improvement in AI was 8.8° (4° to 12°) and 7.9° (6° to 10°), respectively, at two years post-operatively (p = 0.18). There was no significant difference in CEA values of affected hips between the two groups.
Children treated using an early medial approach did not have a higher risk of developing osteonecrosis at early to mid-term follow-up than those treated using a delayed anterolateral approach. The rates of acetabular remodelling were similar for both protocols.
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We evaluated the top 13 journals in trauma and orthopaedics by impact factor and looked at the longer-term effect regarding citations of their papers.
All 4951 papers published in these journals during 2007 and 2008 were reviewed and categorised by their type, subspecialty and super-specialty. All citations indexed through Google Scholar were reviewed to establish the rate of citation per paper at two, four and five years post-publication. The top five journals published a total of 1986 papers. Only three (0.15%) were on operative orthopaedic surgery and none were on trauma. Most (n = 1084, 54.5%) were about experimental basic science. Surgical papers had a lower rate of citation (2.18) at two years than basic science or clinical medical papers (4.68). However, by four years the rates were similar (26.57 for surgery, 30.35 for basic science/medical), which suggests that there is a considerable time lag before clinical surgical research has an impact.
We conclude that high impact journals do not address clinical research in surgery and when they do, there is a delay before such papers are cited. We suggest that a rate of citation at five years post-publication might be a more appropriate indicator of importance for papers in our specialty.
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This article presents an overview of mycetoma and offers guidelines for orthopaedic surgeons who may be involved in the care of patients with this condition.
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Recent recommendations by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggest that all patients undergoing elective orthopaedic surgery should be assessed for the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE).
Little is known about the incidence of symptomatic VTE after elective external fixation. We studied a consecutive series of adult patients who had undergone elective Ilizarov surgery without routine pharmacological prophylaxis to establish the incidence of symptomatic VTE.
A review of a prospectively maintained database of consecutive patients who were treated between October 1998 and February 2011 identified 457 frames in 442 adults whose mean age was 42.6 years (16.0 to 84.6). There were 425 lower limb and 32 upper limb frames. The mean duration of treatment was 25.7 weeks (1.6 to 85.3).
According to NICE guidelines all the patients had at least one risk factor for VTE, 246 had two, 172 had three and 31 had four or more.
One patient (0.23%) developed a pulmonary embolus after surgery and was later found to have an inherited thrombophilia. There were 27 deaths, all unrelated to VTE.
The cost of providing VTE prophylaxis according to NICE guidelines in this group of patients would be £89 493.40 (£195.80 per patient) even if the cheapest recommended medication was used.
The rate of symptomatic VTE after Ilizarov surgery was low despite using no pharmacological prophylaxis. This study leads us to question whether NICE guidelines are applicable to these patients.
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The FRCS (Tr & Orth) examination has three components: MCQs, Vivas and Clinical Examination. The Vivas are further divided into four sections comprising Basic Science, Adult Pathology, Hands and Children’s Orthopaedics and Trauma. The Clinical Examination section is divided into Upper and Lower limb cases. The aim of this section in the Journal is to focus specifically on the trainees preparing for the exam and to cater to all the sections of the exam. The vision is to complete the cycle of all relevant exam topics (as per the syllabus) in four years.