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The subject of central nervous system damage includes a wide variety of problems, from the slow selective ‘picking off’ of characteristic sub-populations of neurons typical of neurodegenerative diseases, to the wholesale destruction of areas of brain and spinal cord seen in traumatic injury and stroke. Experimental repair strategies are diverse and the type of pathology dictates which approach will be appropriate. Damage may be to grey matter (loss of neurons), white matter (cutting of axons, leaving neurons otherwise intact, at least initially) or both. This review will consider four possible forms of treatment for repair of the human central nervous system.
This paper summarises the current knowledge on the effects of medullary reaming of long-bone fractures. Following a review of intramedullary vascular physiology, the consequences for vascularity, the autograft effects, the generation of heat, and fat embolism are outlined. Also, alternative reaming techniques are described.
This paper considers the new financial infrastructure of the National Health Service and provides a resource for orthopaedic surgeons. We describe the importance of accurate documentation and data collection for National Health Service hospital Trust finances and league tables, and support our discussion with examples drawn from our local audit work.
We report an independent prospective review of the first 230 Birmingham hip resurfacings in 212 patients at a mean follow-up of five years (4 to 6).
Two patients, one with a loose acetabular component and the other with suspected avascular necrosis of the femoral head, underwent revision. There were two deaths from unrelated causes and one patient was lost to follow-up. The survivorship with the worst-case scenario was 97.8% (95% confidence interval 95.8 to 99.5). The mean Harris hip score improved significantly (paired
On radiological review at five years, one patient had a progressive lucent line around the acetabular component and six had progressive lucent lines around the femoral component. A total of 18 femoral components (8%) had migrated into varus and those with lucent lines present migrated a mean of 3.8° (1.02° to 6.54°) more than the rest. Superolateral notching of the femoral neck and reactive sclerosis at the tip of the peg of the femoral component were associated with the presence of lucent lines (chi-squared test, p < 0.05), but not with migration of the femoral component, and are of unknown significance.
Our results with the Birmingham hip resurfacing continue to be satisfactory at a mean follow-up of five years.
We carried out a prospective randomised study designed to compare the penetration rate of acetabular polyethylene inserts of identical design but different levels of cross-linking at a minimum of four years follow-up. A total of 102 patients (102 hips) were randomised to receive either highly cross-linked Durasul, or contemporary Sulene polyethylene inserts at total hip replacement. A single blinded observer used the Martell system to assess penetration of the femoral head. At a mean follow-up of 4.9 years (4.2 to 6.1) the mean femoral head penetration rate was 0.025 mm/year (
A prospective cohort of 222 patients who underwent revision hip replacement between April 2001 and March 2004 was evaluated to determine predictors of function, pain and activity level between one and two years post-operatively, and to define quality of life outcomes using validated patient reported outcome tools. Predictive models were developed and proportional odds regression analyses were performed to identify factors that predict quality of life outcomes at one and two years post-operatively. The dependent outcome variables were the Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) function and pain scores, and University of California Los Angeles activity scores. The independent variables included patient demographics, operative factors, and objective quality of life parameters, including pre-operative WOMAC, and the Short Form-12 mental component score.
There was a significant improvement (
Predictors of quality of life outcomes after revision hip replacement were established. Although some patient-specific and surgery-specific variables were important, age, gender, Charnley class and pre-operative WOMAC function score had the most robust associations with outcome.
This is a 15-year follow-up observational study of 4390 patients with 4606 primary total knee replacements (TKRs) implanted in the Trent health region between 1990 and 1992. The operations were performed in 21 hospitals, including both district general and teaching hospitals, with 77 different surgeons as named consultant.
The main objective was to analyse the survival of the patients and of the prostheses, and to evaluate what impact different variables have on survival. In addition, the 1480 patients (33.7%) (1556 TKRs) alive at 15 years following operation were sent a self-administered questionnaire which examined their level of satisfaction, of pain, and their quality of life at 15 years. Completed responses were received from 912 TKRs (58.6%).
Three survival curves were constructed: a best-case scenario based on the patients entered into the life tables, another included failures not reported in the revision database, and a third worst-case scenario based on all patients lost to follow-up presumed to have had a failed primary TKR. In the best-case scenario survival at 15 years was 92.2%, and in the worst-case scenario was 81.1%. Survival was significantly increased in women and older patients (Mantel-Cox log-rank test, p < 0.005 and p < 0.001, respectively).
Revision as a result of infection was required in 40 TKRs (18.8%) representing 0.87% of the original cohort.
The limited information available from the questionnaire indicated that satisfaction was less frequent among men, patients with osteoarthritis and those who required revision (chi-squared test, p < 0.05, p < 0.05 and p < 0.0001, respectively). With regard to pain, older patients, females and patients who still had their primary replacement in place at 15 years, reported the least pain (chi-squared test for trends, p < 0.0005, p < 0.005 and p < 0.0001, respectively). The reported quality of life was not affected by any variable.
We have examined the results obtained with 72 NexGen legacy posterior stabilised-flex fixed total knee replacements in 47 patients implanted by a single surgeon between March 2003 and September 2004.
Aseptic loosening of the femoral component was found in 27 (38%) of the replacements at a mean follow-up of 32 months (30 to 48) and 15 knees (21%) required revision at a mean of 23 months (11 to 45). We compared the radiologically-loose and revised knees with those which had remained well-fixed to identify the factors which had contributed to this high rate of aseptic loosening.
Post-operatively, the mean maximum flexion was 136° (110° to 140°) in the loosened group and 125° (95° to 140°) in the well-fixed group (independent
These implants allowed a high degree of flexion, but showed a marked rate of early loosening of the femoral component, which was associated with weight-bearing in maximum flexion.
The emergence of minimally-invasive total knee replacement (TKR) has led to the refinement of several surgical approaches, including the quadriceps-sparing and sub-vastus. There is some disagreement as to the precise definition of the term ‘minimally-invasive’, especially in regard to the preservation of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO). It is known that the termination of VMO is variable and may make these approaches difficult. We have attempted to assess the factors influencing the insertion of VMO and the impact which they have on the approach for TKR.
The MR scans of 198 knees were examined to assess the variation in the insertion of VMO in relation to the patella and the effect of variables such as age, gender and the presence of concurrent osteoarthritis of the knee on the insertion.
Our findings showed that both age and the presence of osteoarthritis were contributing factors to changes in the level of insertion of VMO. Therefore, not all capsular incisions which extend proximal to the midpole of the patella will violate the quadriceps tendon.
We describe the results of Copeland surface replacement shoulder arthroplasty using the mark III prosthesis in patients over 80 years of age. End-stage arthritis of the shoulder is a source of significant pain and debilitating functional loss in the elderly. An arthroplasty offers good relief of pain and may allow the patient to maintain independence. The risk-benefit ratio of shoulder replacement may be felt to be too high in an elderly age group, but there is no published evidence to support this theory. We have assessed whether the procedure was as reliable and safe as previously seen in a younger cohort of patients. Between 1993 and 2003, 213 Copeland surface replacement arthroplasty procedures were performed in our unit, of which 29 (13.6%) were undertaken in patients over the age of 80. This group of patients was followed up for a mean of 4.5 years (2.1 to 9.3). Their mean age was 84.3 years (81 to 93), the mean operating time was 40 minutes (30 to 45) and the mean in-patient stay was five days (2 to 21). There were no peri-operative deaths or significant complications. The mean Constant score adjusted for age and gender, improved from 15.1% to 77%. Copeland surface replacement shoulder arthroplasty may be performed with minimal morbidity and rapid rehabilitation in the elderly.
There is no simple method available to identify patients who will develop recurrent instability after an arthroscopic Bankart procedure and who would be better served by an open operation.
We carried out a prospective case-control study of 131 consecutive unselected patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability who underwent this procedure using suture anchors. At follow-up after a mean of 31.2 months (24 to 52) 19 (14.5%) had recurrent instability. The following risk factors were identified: patient age under 20 years at the time of surgery; involvement in competitive or contact sports or those involving forced overhead activity; shoulder hyperlaxity; a Hill-Sachs lesion present on an anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder in external rotation and/or loss of the sclerotic inferior glenoid contour.
These factors were integrated in a 10-point pre-operative instability severity index score and tested retrospectively on the same population. Patients with a score over 6 points had an unacceptable recurrence risk of 70% (p < 0.001). On this basis we believe that an arthroscopic Bankart repair is contraindicated in these patients, to whom we now suggest a Bristow-Latarjet procedure instead.
Inflammatory markers such as the C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count and body temperature are easy to measure and are used as indicators of infection. The way in which they change in the early post-operative period after instrumented spinal surgery has not been reported in any depth.
We measured these markers pre-operatively and at one, four, seven and 14 days postoperatively in 143 patients who had undergone an instrumented posterior lumbar interbody fusion.
The CRP proved to be the only sensitive marker and had returned to its normal level in 48% of patients after 14 days. The CRP on day 7 was never higher than that on day 4. Age, gender, body temperature, operating time and blood loss were not related to the CRP level. A high CRP does not in itself suggest infection, but any increase after four days may presage infection.
We describe a series of 20 patients with ununited fractures of the femoral neck following neglected trauma or failed primary internal fixation who were seen at a mean of 7.5 months (2 to 18) following injury. Open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture was performed in all patients, together with a myoperiosteal flap on the quadratus femoris muscle pedicle.
Union occurred at a mean of 4.9 months (2 to 10) in all patients. The mean follow-up was for 70 months (14 to 144). There was no further progression in six of seven patients with pre-operative radiological evidence of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. One patient had delayed collapse and flattening of the femoral head ten years after union of the fracture, but remained asymptomatic.
This study demonstrates the orthopaedic application of myoperiosteal grafting for inducing osteogenesis in a difficult clinical situation.
We undertook a trial on 60 patients with AO 31A2 fractures of the hip who were randomised after stabilisation of the fracture into two equal groups, one of which received post-operative treatment using a non-invasive interactive neurostimulation device and the other with a sham device. All other aspects of their rehabilitation were the same. The treatment was continued for ten days after operation.
Outcome measurements included the use of a visual analogue scale for pain, the brief pain inventory and Ketorolac for post-operative control of pain, and an overall assessment of outcome by the surgeon. There were significantly better results for the patients receiving treatment by active electrical stimulation (repeated measures analysis of variance, p < 0.001). The findings of this pilot trial justify a larger study to determine if these results are more generally applicable.
Intramedullary tibial nailing was performed in ten paired cadavers and the insertion of a medial-to-lateral proximal oblique locking screw was simulated in each specimen. Anatomical dissection was undertaken to determine the relationship of the common peroneal nerve to the cross-screw.
The common peroneal nerve was contacted directly in four tibiae and the cross-screw was a mean of 2.6 mm (1.0 to 10.7) away from the nerve in the remaining 16. Iatrogenic injury to the common peroneal nerve by medial-to-lateral proximal oblique locking screws is therefore a significant risk during tibial nailing.
Between 1988 and 2006, 18 patients had a custom-made endoprosthetic replacement of the distal humerus for bone tumours at our institution. There were 11 primary malignant neoplasms, six secondary deposits, and one benign aggressive tumour. The mean follow-up was for 4.4 years (1 to 18.2). Complications occurred in nine patients and included aseptic loosening in three (16.6%), local recurrence in two (11%), infection in two (11%), neuropraxia of the radial nerve in one (5.5%) and a peri-prosthetic fracture in one (5.5%). Excision was inadequate in four patients (22%), all of which developed local recurrence and/or metastases. There were seven deaths from the primary disease after a mean of 2.3 years (1 to 5), one of whom had an above-elbow amputation for local recurrence seven months before death. The remaining six had satisfactory elbow function at their last follow-up. The 11 living patients were evaluated using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society and Toronto Extremity Salvage scoring systems. The mean scores achieved were 76% (67% to 87%) and 73% (59% to 79%), respectively. Overall, 17 of 18 patients had significant improvement in the degree of their pain following operation.
Custom-made endoprosthetic reconstruction of the elbow for bone tumours is a viable treatment in carefully selected patients. It maintains satisfactory function and provides good pain relief.
Four patients who developed malignant synovial tumours are described; one with chondromatosis developed a synovial chondrosarcoma and three with pigmented villonodular synovitis developed malignant change. The relevant literature is discussed.
We present a retrospective study of 27 patients treated by callus distraction using a unilateral external fixator of our own design for nonunion with bone loss and shortening of the femur caused by suppurative osteomyelitis. The unilateral external fixator was used either alone or in combination with an intramedullary nail. The mean age of the patients was 13.6 years (8 to 18). The fixator was used alone in 13 patients and with an intramedullary nail in 14. The bone results at a mean follow-up of 88 months (37 to 144) were excellent in 16 patients and good in 11.
The functional results were excellent in 18 patients and good in nine. However, four patients still had draining sinuses at the latest follow-up. A residual deformity greater than 7° was present in seven femora, but this did not adversely affect function or require further treatment.
We report our experience of the use of callus distraction with a monolateral fixator for the treatment of acquired radial club-hand deformity after osteomyelitis. Between 1994 and 2004, 13 patients with a mean age of eight years (4 to 15) were treated by callus distraction with a monolateral fixator after a preliminary period of at least four weeks in a corrective short-arm cast.
All patients achieved bony union and were satisfied with the functional and cosmetic outcome. There were no major complications, but three patients required cancellous bone grafting at the docking site for delayed union. Local treatment and oral antibiotics were required for pin-site infection in six patients. There were no deep infection or recurrence of osteomyelitis.
The proximal humerus internal locking system is an internal fixation device consisting of a low-profile plate and locking screws, which is used for the fixation of three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus. We describe a case in which the screws cut out of the humeral head causing injury to the axillary artery necessitating urgent removal of the implant.
We carried out three total knee replacements with proximal realignment in two patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knee and congenital dislocation of the patella. During the operation, the femur and the tibia were cut according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the implant. The femoral component was placed in external rotation and the centre of the tibial component aligned in relation to the tibial tuberosity with regard to rotation and translation. After making the bone cuts, the iliotibial tract was detached from Gerdy’s tubercle, the popliteus tendon divided, and the biceps femoris tendon elongated by Z-plasty. After the trial implants were positioned, a proximal re-alignment procedure was performed. One knee had deep infection. There was one dislocated patella which was repositioned, and walking ability was improved in all knees. We believe that the rotational alignment of a prosthesis is as important as the soft-tissue surgery.
Among the variety of differential diagnoses for chronic patellar tendinopathy, isolated tuberculosis is extremely rare. We report such a case, without any evident primary contiguous or distant focus, in a 31-year-old immunocompetent male.
Achieving deep flexion after total knee replacement remains a challenge. In this study we compared the soft-tissue tension and tibiofemoral force in a mobile-bearing posterior cruciate ligament-sacrificing total knee replacement, using equal flexion and extension gaps, and with the gaps increased by 2 mm each. The tests were conducted during passive movement in five cadaver knees, and measurements of strain were made simultaneously in the collateral ligaments. The tibiofemoral force was measured using a customised mini-force plate in the tibial tray. Measurements of collateral ligament strain were not very sensitive to changes in the gap ratio, but tibiofemoral force measurements were. Tibiofemoral force was decreased by a mean of 40% (
This study investigated the quality and quantity of healing of a bone defect following intramedullary reaming undertaken by two fundamentally different systems; conventional, using non-irrigated, multiple passes; or suction/irrigation, using one pass. The result of a measured re-implantation of the product of reaming was examined in one additional group. We used 24 Swiss mountain sheep with a mean tibial medullary canal diameter between 8 mm and 9 mm. An 8 mm ‘napkin ring’ defect was created at the mid-diaphysis. The wound was either surgically closed or occluded. The medullary cavity was then reamed to 11 mm. The Reamer/Irrigator/Aspirator (RIA) System was used for the reaming procedure in groups A (RIA and autofilling) and B (RIA, collected reamings filled up), whereas reaming in group C (Synream and autofilling) was performed with the Synream System. The defect was allowed to auto-fill with reamings in groups A and C, but in group B, the defect was surgically filled with collected reamings. The tibia was then stabilised with a solid locking Unreamed Humerus Nail (UHN), 9.5 mm in diameter. The animals were killed after six weeks. After the implants were removed, measurements were taken to assess the stiffness, strength and callus formation at the site of the defect.
There was no significant difference between healing after conventional reaming or suction/irrigation reaming. A significant improvement in the quality of the callus was demonstrated by surgically placing captured reamings into the defect using a graft harvesting system attached to the aspirator device. This was confirmed by biomechanical testing of stiffness and strength. This study suggests it could be beneficial to fill cortical defects with reaming particles in clinical practice, if feasible.
This study was undertaken to elucidate the mechanism of biological repair at the tendon-bone junction in a rat model. The stump of the toe flexor tendon was sutured to a drilled hole in the tibia (tendon suture group, n = 23) to investigate healing of the tendon-bone junction both radiologically and histologically. Radiological and histological findings were compared with those observed in a sham control group where the bone alone was drilled (n = 19). The biomechanical strength of the repaired junction was confirmed by pull-out testing six weeks after surgery in four rats in the tendon suture group. Callus formation was observed at the site of repair in the tendon suture group, whereas in the sham group callus formation was minimal. During the pull-out test, the repaired tendon-bone junction did not fail because the musculotendinous junction always disrupted first.
In order to understand the factors that influenced callus formation at the site of repair, four further groups were evaluated. The nature of the sutured tendon itself was investigated by analysing healing of a tendon stump after necrosis had been induced with liquid nitrogen in 16 cases. A proximal suture group (n = 16) and a partial tenotomy group (n = 16) were prepared to investigate the effects of biomechanical loading on the site of repair. Finally, a group where the periosteum had been excised at the site of repair (n = 16) was examined to study the role of the periosteum. These four groups showed less callus formation radiologically and histologically than did the tendon suture group.
In conclusion, the sutured tendon-bone junction healed and achieved mechanical strength at six weeks after suturing, showing good local callus formation. The viability of the tendon stump, mechanical loading and intact periosteum were all found to be important factors for better callus formation at a repaired tendon-bone junction.
We have evaluated four different fixation techniques for the reconstruction of a standard Mason type-III fracture of the radial head in a sawbone model. The outcome measurements were the quality of the reduction, and stability.
A total of 96 fractures was created. Six surgeons were involved in the study and each reconstructed 16 fractures with 1.6 mm fine-threaded wires (Fragment Fixation System (FFS)), T-miniplates, 2 mm miniscrews and 2 mm Kirschner (K-) wires; four fractures being allocated to each method using a standard reconstruction procedure.
The quality of the reduction was measured after definitive fixation. Biomechanical testing was performed using a transverse plane shear load in two directions to the implants (parallel and perpendicular) with respect to ultimate failure load and displacement at 50 N.
A significantly better quality of reduction was achieved using the FFS wires (Tukey’s
The ultimate failure load was similar for the FFS wires (parallel, 196.8 N (
The fixation of a standard Mason type-III fracture in a sawbone model using the FFS system provides a better quality of reduction than that when using conventional techniques. There was a significantly better stability using FFS implants, miniscrews and K-wires than when using miniplates.