Background and aims
The Keele STarT Back approach is effective for stratifying patients with low back pain in primary care, but a similar approach has not been tested with a broader range of patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. We report a feasibility and pilot trial examining the feasibility of a future main trial of a primary care based, risk-stratification (STarT MSK) approach for patients with back, neck, knee, shoulder or multi-site pain.
A pragmatic, two-parallel arm, cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) in 8 GP practices (4 stratified care involving use of the Keele STarT MSK tool and matched treatment options: 4 usual care). Following screening, adults with one of the five most common MSK pain presentations were invited to take part in data collection over 6 months. Feasibility outcomes included exploration of selection bias, recruitment and follow-up rates, clinician engagement with using the Keele STarT MSK tool and matching patients to treatments.
524 participants (231-stratified care, 293-usual care) were recruited (target n=500) over 7 months (target 3 months), with 15-withdrawals (5-intervention, 10-controls). Minimal selection bias was identified between participants/non-participants, or trial arms. The pain-intensity follow-up rate was 88%. Clinicians used the STarT MSK tool in 41% of relevant consultations (judged as ‘partial success’) and adhered to recommended matched treatments in 69% of cases (judged as ‘success’).
A future main RCT is feasible, with some amendments in the wording of the tool and the matched treatment options, to determine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care versus usual care for patients with MSK pain.
Conflicts of interest: ‘No conflicts of interest’
Sources of Funding: This paper presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research scheme (grant number: RP-PG-1211-20010). Nadine Foster is a NIHR Senior Investigator and was supported through an NIHR Research Professorship (NIHR-RP-011-015). The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.