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Volume 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXX July 2012 British Orthopaedic Oncology Society (BOOS) - 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting

J.J. Gregory M. Ockendon W.P. Cool G.L. Cribb D.C. Mangham R. Lalam B. Tins


CT guided percutaneous radiofrequency thermo coagulation is the treatment of choice for osteoid osteomas. Good results with a low complication rate have been shown for spinal lesions. When lesions are within close proximity to neurological structures or if patients have radicular symptoms surgery rather than radiofrequency ablation has been advocated. We present our experience of radiofrequency ablation of spinal osteoid osteomas which are less than 5mm from neurological structures, including those causing radicular symptoms.


Data was collected prospectively on all patients with a spinal osteoid osteoma within 5mm of nerve roots or the spinal cord as measured on CT scanning.

There were nine patients, five female and four males. Four were located in the thoracic spine, three in the lumbar spine and two in the cervical spine. The mean distance to the nearest neurological structure was 3mm. Radicular symptoms were present in two patients. The mean number of probe positions used was two. Lesions were heated to 90 degrees for 5 minutes for each probe position. There were two cases of recurrence, both treated successfully with one further procedure each. There were no cases of neurological injury. The two patients with radicular symptoms had full resolution of their symptoms. At a mean follow up of 2 years following treatment all patients are asymptomatic.

M. Ockendon J. Gregory G.L. Cribb P. Cool D.C. Mangham R. Lalam


To evaluate the rise in impedance during percutaneous radiofrequency thermo coagulation (PRFTC) of osteoid osteomas as a predictor of local recurrence.

Design and Patients

A prospective study of 23 patients (24 PRFTC procedures) with minimum of 2.25-year follow-up (average 3.3 years). Average age 19.6 years (range 4–44), sex ratio 15□:□8 (male□:□female), 16 non-diaphyseal, 7 diaphyseal.

G.L. Cribb P. Cool R. Lalam B. Tins D.C. Mangham


Chondroblastomas are rare bone tumours accounting for approximately 1% of all benign bone lesions. They occur in children and adolescents and are more frequent in males.

The conventional treatment for chondroblastomas is surgery, however, this can be difficult and disabling due to the apo- or epiphyseal location. Surgery is curative in most cases, but recurrence rates of 10%–35% have been reported in the literature. Radiofrequency ablation is well established in the treatment of osteoid osteomas and painful bone metastases. We report our experience with the use of radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of chondroblastomas.


Seven patients were identified from our Tumour database with biopsy proven chondroblastomas who were treated with Percutaneous CT Guided Radiofrequency Thermo coagulation.

M.A.J. van de Sande L. van der Heijden M. Gibbons P.D.S. Dijkstra


Local recurrence of Giant cell tumours of bone (GCT) is considered the main complication of surgical treatment (50%). Intra-lesional curettage with adjuvants like phenol or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is recommended as initial treatment, decreasing the risk of recurrence. However, risk factors for local recurrence in skeletal GCT have not yet been firmly established and a golden standard for treatment remains controversial.

Aim of this study is identification of risk factors for recurrence in GCT, specifically after intra-lesional curettage with or without adjuvants.


In a retrospective single-institution study 191 patients treated for GCT between 1964 and 2009 were included. Mean follow-up was 111 months (range 12-415). The recurrence-free survival and hazards for different treatment strategies and various patient and tumour characteristics were determined.

C.L. Gaston R. Bhumbra M. Watanuki A. Abudu S. Carter L. Jeys R. Tillman R. Grimer


The role of adjuvants in curettage for giant cell tumours (GCT) is still controversial. Our aim was to determine if adjuvant cementation lowers local recurrence (LR) rates for GCTs treated with curettage.


Detailed curettage has been the principal treatment for GCT for the past 30 years. Cement was used from 1996 onwards for tumours where there was concern about structural stability. We investigated factors affecting LR and also the incidence of complications for treatment with or without cement.

A.S. Shekkeris R.C. Pollock W.J.S. Aston S.R. Cannon G.W. Blunn J.A. Skinner T.W.R. Briggs


Primary bone tumours of the distal radius are rare, while it remains the third commonest site for primary lesions and recurrences of Giant Cell Tumours (GCT). The functional demands on the hand make reconstruction of the wrist joint following the excision of distal radius, particularly challenging.


A single-centre retrospective study, reporting the functional and oncological outcomes of six patients (4 males, 2 females - mean age of 53 (22 to 79)) who underwent a custom-made endoprosthetic replacement of the distal radius with arthrodesis at our institution, during 1999 - 2010. Five patients were diagnosed with primary bone sarcoma of the distal radius (4 GCTs, 1 osteosarcoma) and another had a metastatic lesion from a primary renal cell carcinoma. The diagnosis was confirmed by needle biopsy in all cases.

We assessed the patients' functional outcomes using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society scoring system (MSTS) and the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS).

R.J. Grimer G.M. Smith G.D. Johnson S. Wilson

Earlier diagnosis is one of the key aims in achieving improved outcomes for patients with cancer. In general, the earlier a tumour is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat and the greater the chance of cure. We have investigated how tumour size at diagnosis and duration of symptoms, both of which may act as a proxy for delay in diagnosis have varied over a 25 year period and whether there is evidence of improvement.

Data were available for 2568 patients with primary bone sarcomas and 2366 with soft tissue sarcomas. The mean size at diagnosis was 10.7 cm for bone tumours and 9.9cm for soft tissue sarcomas. The size of bone sarcomas had not changed with the passage of time but there had been a slight decrease in the size of soft tissue sarcomas (10.3 cm before 2000 vs 9.6cm after 2000, p=0.03). The duration of symptoms reported by patients varied widely with a median of 16 weeks for bone sarcomas and 26 weeks for soft tissue sarcomas. The median duration of symptoms for bone sarcomas had actually increased since 2000 (16 weeks before to 20 weeks after 2000, p⋋0.01), whilst it remained unchanged for soft tissue sarcomas. Further analysis showed that females tended to present with smaller tumours than males and that slower growing tumours (eg. liposarcoma and chondrosarcoma) tended to be larger and have a longer duration of symptoms than other tumours. 15% of patients with a soft tissue sarcoma had undergone a previous inadvertent excision – and this % has not changed over 20 years. Younger patients had smaller soft tissue soft tissue sarcomas than older patients but there was little difference for bone sarcomas.


This data shows there is huge room for improvement

A. Mahendra


The use of computer navigation has a potential to allow precise tumour resection and accurate reconstruction of the resultant defect. This can be useful in difficult areas such as pelvis, diaphyseal (intercalary) resections and geometric bony resections.


We have carried out resections of musculoskeletal tumours in 7 patients using an existing commercial computer navigation system (Orthomap 3D). CT & MRI scans of each patient were fused preoperatively using navigation software and the tumour margins were marked. The planes of tumour resection were defined on the 3D image generated. During surgery, trackers were attached to bone with tumour and registration performed. Instruments attached to navigation tracker were then used to identify the predetermined resection points. Of the 4 pelvic tumours, 1 had biological reconstruction with extra corporeal irradiation, 3 had endoprosthetic replacement & 1 did not need any bony reconstruction. 1 patient with proximal femur tumour needing extraarticular resection had endoprosthetic replacement. The 2 tibial diaphyseal tumours had biological reconstruction.

R. Potter R.J. Grimer S.R. Carter R.M. Tillman A. Abudu L. Jeys P. Unwin


To investigate the effectiveness of silver coated prostheses in preventing periprosthetic infection in a high-risk group.


We have used silver coated prostheses in 48 endoprosthetic replacements in whom there would be a high expected risk of infection.

A. George R.J. Grimer


Current practice in the UK is to perform clinical follow up and CXR on patients with sarcomas with the use of cross-sectional imaging reserved for high clinical suspicion of recurrence. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of this policy by investigating patients who developed local recurrence (LR) after previous treatment of a bone or soft tissue sarcoma (STS). Additionally, we aimed to determine whether size and extent of LR at diagnosis of recurrence affected subsequent management.


We reviewed clinical records and imaging of all patients in the previous 5 years (01/01/2005–01/07/2010) with diagnosed LR to investigate: how it was diagnosed, site and size of recurrence and management. A value judgement was made as to whether earlier diagnosis may have altered treatment and/or outcome.

T. Cosker S. MacDonnell P. Critchley D. Whitwell H. Giele N. Athanasou M. Gibbons


Our Unit has been treating large volume soft tissue sarcomas involving the sciatic nerve with epineurectomy for over a decade. The aim of this study was to quantify the functional outcome of patients who were known to have sciatic nerve involvement pre-operatively and went on to have nerve preserving surgery utilising a planned marginal excision with epineurectomy.


20 patients with soft tissue sarcomas involving the sciatic nerve were studied treated between 1997 and 2010. Nineteen underwent surgery with extended epineurectomy of the sciatic nerve and planned marginal excision. All patients underwent staging and follow up at our Sarcoma Clinic with functional assessment and TESS evaluation.

J. Gregory M. Ockendon G. Cribb P. Cool D. Williams

Periarticular metastasis may be treated with endoprosthetic reconstruction. The extensive surgery required may not, however, be appropriate for all patients. Our aim was to establish if the outcome of locking plate fixation in selected patients with periarticular metastases.

Prospective data collection was performed. Twenty one patients underwent surgery for periarticular metastatic tumours. The median duration of follow-up for surviving patients was one year. There have been no cases of implant failure and no requirement for revision surgery. Pain relief was excellent or good in the majority of patients. Patients who had sustained a fracture prior to fixation had restoration of their WHO performance status. All patients had a dramatic improvement in their MSTS scores. The median pre-operative score was 15% (0%-37%) improving to a median score of 80% (75% -96%) post operatively.

Locking plates provide reliable fixation and excellent functional restoration in selected patients suffering from periarticular metastatic bone disease.

R.J. Grimer S.R. Carter R.M. Tillman A. Abudu L. Jeys


To estimate the risk of bone malignancy arising in premalignant conditions.


There are quite a number of possible premalignant conditions with considerable uncertainty about the actual risk of a bone sarcoma developing. The incidence of these malignant conditions was identified from a prospective database containing 3000 primary bone sarcomas.

R.J. Grimer L. Jeys S.R. Carter R.M. Tillman A. Abudu

Chondrosarcoma of bone is a surgical disease and excision with wide margins is the optimum treatment. Sometimes the size or location of the tumour at the time of diagnosis mean that only a marginal excision can be achieved. The effect of the margin of excision on outcome is investigated.


All patients with newly diagnosed primary chondrosarcoma of bone and without metastases at the time of diagnosis were identified from a prospective database. Their outcome was investigated to assess whether the margin of excision affected outcome.


492 patients were included in the analysis with a mean age of 48. The mean tumour size was 11cm and 59% were male. The 10 year tumour specific survival was 85% for clear cell (N=7) and grade 1 (N=210), 60% for grade 2 (N=180), 47% for grade 3 (N=59) and 16% for dedifferentiated (N=36). The 10 year local recurrence free survival was 86% (clear cell), 73% (grade 1), 67% (grade 2), 36% (grade 3) and 56% dedifferentiated.

Local recurrence was strongly related to older age (p=0.0065), grade (p⋋0.0001) and margins (p⋋0.0001). Patients who developed local recurrence had a 43% survival at 10 years compared with 76% for those who did not (p⋋0.0001). They also had a 49% risk of developing metastases compared to a 17% risk for those without local recurrence (p⋋0.0001). However most of these patients had metastases before developing LR(57%). 16 of 65 patients with local recurrence but no metastases, died due to local progression (usually pelvic or spinal tumours). There was however no relation of the margin of excision to either the risk of developing metastases or survival for any grade of tumour.

R. Bhumbra L. Jeys L. Gaston R.M. Tillman A. Abudu S.R. Carter R.J. Grimer

The aim was to identify when primary amputation was used as primary treatment and to describe outcomes in patients managed with modern chemotherapy. A detailed review of the electronic patient records was undertaken. Statistical analysis was performed with univariate analysis using Kaplan-Meier curves and Chi2 testing, whilst multivariate analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis.

There were 354 osteosarcomas. 93 patients presented with metastases and 192 subsequently developed metastases at a mean of 46 months. Amputation was performed as the primary surgical treatment in 101 patients. Endoprosthetic reconstruction was used in 253 patients. Amputation was performed as a secondary procedure on 15 patients.

The 5 and 10 year survival data for all patients, including those with metastatic disease were 60% and 60% for amputation with good chemotherapy response (>89% necrosis), 65% and 63% for limb salvage and good response, 21% and 21% for amputation and poor response (⋋90% necrosis) and 51% and 30% for limb salvage with poor response.

Local recurrence occurred both with amputation (10.8%) or limb salvage (9%), with no significant differences between the two.

Univariate analysis demonstrated that the extent of response to chemotherapy induced necrosis significantly affected survival, whether the patient had an amputation or not.

Whether or not amputation or LSS was used in the surgical management of patients, local recurrence rates where similar between the two groups. Further assessment of chemotherapy-induced necrosis is a key factor in determining subsequent limb salvage or amputation management strategies.

J.R. Perera P.D. Gikas D. Griffiths J.R. Donaldson W.J.S. Aston R.C. Pollock J.A. Skinner S.R. Cannon T.W.R. Briggs

Sixty eight consecutive patients underwent proximal humeral replacement with a fixed fulcrum massive endoprosthesis for tumour between 1997 and 2007. The mean age was 46 years (7-87). Ten patients were lost to follow up and 16 patients died. The 42 surviving patients were assessed using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society (MSTS) Score and the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS). The mean MSTS score was 72.3 % and the mean TESS was 77.2 %.

Four of 42 patients received a new constrained humeral liner to reduce the risk of dislocation. This sub group of 4 patients had a mean MSTS score of 77.7 % and a mean TESS of 80.0%.

Endoprosthetic replacement for tumour of the proximal humerus using this prosthesis is a reliable operation yielding good functional results without the documented problems of unconstrained prostheses. The performance of this prosthesis is expected to improve further with the new constrained humeral liner.

N. Picardo G.W. Blunn A.S. Shekkeris W.J.S. Aston R.C. Pollock J. Meswania S.R. Cannon J.A. Skinner T.W.R. Briggs


Following bone tumour resection, lower limb reconstruction results in leg-length discrepancy in skeletally immature patients. Previously, minimally invasive endoprostheses have been associated with a high risk of complications including joint stiffness, nerve injury, aseptic loosening and infection. The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome of the Stanmore non-invasive extendible endoprostheses used in our institution between 2002 and 2009 and compare them with implants used in the past.


Fifty-five children with a mean age of 11.4 years (5 to 16) underwent limb reconstruction with thirty-three distal femoral, two total femoral, eight proximal femoral and twelve proximal tibial implants. Forty-six endoprostheses were lengthened in clinic without anaesthesia using the principle of electromagnetic induction. Patients were assessed using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Score (MSTS) and the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS).

R.J. Grimer

After 25 years in orthopaedic oncology the author wishes to set a challenge for the next generation by posing 10 questions which he believes still do not have answers and which may improve outcomes for patients with sarcomas

Why are sarcomas diagnosed so late?

Can we ever decide what is a safe margin?

What is the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for STS?

What can we do to decrease the risk of infection after limb salvage surgery?

What is the significance of local recurrence on outcome?

What really is the best treatment for Ewing's sarcoma of the pelvis?

Is cross sectional imaging essential as part of patient follow up?

Is it possible to evaluate outcomes combining survival and function?

Why can't we run a surgical trial in orthopaedic oncology?

How can we evaluate surgical success?

The author suggests ways these questions may be answered.

L. Jeys V. Neepal A. Mehra V. Sumathi R.J. Grimer


To look at the effect of width and tissue at surgical margins, together with the use of adjuvant therapy on locally recurrent disease and disease free survival.


The distance (mm) and tissue has been regularly reported for 5 years, prior to this it was reported as wide, marginal or intra-lesional. It is known from previous studies that 90% of locally recurrent disease for osteosarcoma and Ewing's occurs within 2 years from surgery. Therefore all primary bone sarcomas of the pelvis and appendicular skeleton that underwent surgery between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2008 were entered, giving at least 2 years follow up. The pathology records were reviewed and the margins and percentage tumour necrosis were recorded. Those patients who had suffered local or distal disease relapse or died were highlighted. Analysis was undertaken by Kaplan Meier survival curves with univariate and multivariate analysis.

R. Bhumbra D.J. Biau A. Griffin S. Riad K. Weiss J.S. Wunder P Ferguson

Fibromatosis represent a highly heterogeneous group of tumours in growth pattern, location and management. Our aim was to describe the demographics of the patient population who had undergone surgical resection and to identify predictors of local recurrence. Any lesion that was infiltrating the chest or abdominal cavity was excluded. Patients were also not included if they had a plantar or palmar lesions or had received hormonal or chemotherapy.

67 men and 88 women aged from 16 to 77 with a median age of 39 were analyzed. 121 patients had no prior resective operative intervention. 34 patients had undergone an attempted resection procedure at another unit of which 30 had locally recurred. 3 were located in the abdominal wall, 5 chest wall, 15 paraspinal, 56 lower and 76 upper limb. 40 patients did not receive XRT, 18 in the post-operative period and 97 in the pre-operative period. 67 operations produced margin negative resection, 85 were positive and 3 in which the margin status was unknown. Follow-up ranged from 1 day post op to 23.3 years. 23 patients had a local recurrence. Following subsequent re-resections, the total number of patients who were alive with evidence of disease was 16.

6 pts had deceased. 149 were alive with no evidence of disease. No factors were found to be statistically significant for predicting local recurrence, including the use of radiation (0.06) and margin status (0.81). Although radiation, given either pre or post-operatively did trend towards preventing local recurrence (HR 0.40; 95% CI 0.15 to 1.06; p = 0.06).


The retention of critical structures whilst resecting fibromatosis continues to be an appropriate management strategy, as local recurrence rates seem to be independent of margin status. Although not statistically significant, the use of XRT did tend towards reducing local recurrence.

R. Bhumbra S. Hanna L. Jeys T.W.R. Briggs R.J. Grimer

It is generally accepted that there is a high rate of local recurrence following surgical excision of chordoma of the sacrum, even if the margins of excision appear clear. There is uncertainty as to whether the addition of postoperative radiotherapy may decrease the risk of local recurrence, particularly if there are close or involved margins. We aimed to determine the effect of conventional radiotherapy, in the post-operative setting, on the effect of local recurrence, metastases and patient survival in a multi-centre study.


57 patients were identified from the combined databases of the RNOH and ROH, who underwent surgical excision of a primary sacral chordoma and who had a minimum of three years follow-up.


There were 17 women and 40 men, with a median age of 64 (25-81 range). Median tumour length was 10cm (2-20 range). 22 of the 57 patients died. Survival was 60% at 5 years and 45% at ten years. 28 of the 57 patients developed local recurrence (49%) and margins of excision did not affect the rates of local recurrence.

Adjuvant radiotherapy was used in 9 patients, to with intra-lesional resections, five marginal and two wide. Without radiotherapy the local recurrence rate was 45% at five years. With radiotherapy, the local recurrence rate was 62.5% at five years. There were no statistically significant differences between the two.

H. Wafa R.J. Grimer S.R. Carter R.M. Tillman A. Abudu L. Jeys


The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and oncological outcome of extracorporeally irradiated autografts as a method of pelvic reconstruction after internal hemipelvectomy.


The study included fifteen patients with primary malignant bone tumours of the pelvis. There were 10 males and 5 females with a mean age of 21.5 years (range, 8 to 46 years). Six patients had Ewing's sarcoma, six osteosarcoma, and three chondrosarcoma.

C. Porter T. Cosker M. Gibbons F. Sharpley


The diagnosis and subsequent management of sarcoma often requires multiple separate attendances to Hospital and often a prolonged inpatient stay post surgery. Previous research has focused on the physical and emotional aspects of a diagnosis of cancer, but little has been discussed regarding the financial costs incurred by patients and their families.


40 patients treated at our Unit were contacted and were questioned about the financial costs relating to their diagnosis and treatment. The questionnaire included distance travelled to the Unit, mode of transport, who patients were accompanied by, costs whilst at the Hospital e.g. car parking, days off work and impact on employment and career progression.

T. Cosker D. Whitwell F. Sharpley C. Porter M. Gibbons


General Practitioners will be confronted with a sarcoma rarely in their working lives. Most will never see a bone sarcoma although most will see at least one soft tissue sarcoma. Guidelines designed to lead to earlier diagnosis of the most common cancers were introduced by NICE in 2000 and were updated in 2005, containing basic guidance on the earlier diagnosis of bone and soft tissue tumours. Referral criteria include: masses greater than 5cm in diameter, masses deep to fascia, masses which are fixed or immobile, masses which are painful, those which are increasing in size and recurrence after previous excision


We examined 350 General Practitioner referrals over the past 3 years to our service and examined the correlation between the above criteria and the likelihood of malignancy.

R.J. Grimer


Death within one year has been shown for some cancers to be an indicator of late presentation. They may have widespread disease by the time of diagnosis and many will have experienced delays in diagnosis. The aim of this study is to identify if this holds true for patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas.


A prospective sarcoma database was used to identify all patients with a newly diagnosed bone or soft tissue sarcoma and to compare those who had died within one year with those who had survived for at least that time.

B. Sankar R. Refaie S.A. Murray C.H. Gerrand


We aimed to determine the extent of osseous integration of the hydroxyapatite collars of tumour endoprostheses implanted in our unit.


We identified 57 patients who had massive endoprostheses implanted over the last six years and reviewed clinical records and x-rays. There were 20 proximal femoral, 23 distal femoral, 6 proximal tibial, 8 proximal humeral and 1 distal humeral replacements. Patients fell into three groups: 1.Primary bone tumours, 2. Metastatic bone tumours and 3. Non-tumour indications

C.J. Lewis C. Gerrand D.E. Barnes S. Murray R.H. Milner M. Ragbir


Angiosarcomas are rare aggressive sarcomas of vascular endothelial origin. These tumours have the potential to be multicentric and are associated with high rates of local recurrence, which makes treatment challenging. The gold-standard is that these patients are managed in specialist centres by a multidisciplinary team. We present our experience of managing patients with angiosarcoma in the North of England Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Service and a review of the literature.


A prospectively collated electronic database was used to identify patients with angiosarcoma treated between 2000 and 2008, and an analysis performed of demographics, anatomical site, surgical excision and reconstruction, local disease recurrence and metastatic disease.

A. Jaiswal P. Cool G.L. Cribb D.C. Mangham J. McClure

Simple bone cysts are relatively common in children. When they present to a musculoskeletal oncology unit, they are usually treated by a variety of methods that range from observations following fracture to surgically curettage. The outcome is usually good.

Very little is written in the literature regarding adults with a cystic bone lesion.

We present 10 consecutive skeletally mature patients who presented with a benign cystic bone lesion. The mean age at diagnosis was 38 years (20–60 years). Three patients has a cyst in the foot, three in the hip, two in the knee, one in the pelvis and the remainder in the shoulder. Full work up, including biopsy, was performed in all cases. All hip lesions required internal fixation for actual or impending fractures. The average follow up was 1.5 years. The surgical outcome was good in all cases.

The histological features are similar in all cases. Cementum, as found in Unicameral Bone Cysts, is not seen. This may present a new entity that is not described in the literature.

J.J Gregory M. Ockendon G.L. Cribb P. Cool D.C. Mangham J. McClure


Enchondromas located in the phalangeal bones may be more cellular than non-digital locations necessitating clinical and radiological correlation to determine diagnosis. Atypical enchondromas have increased cellularity and atypia relative to simple enchondromas but no evidence of permeation. Chondrosarcomas of the phalanges are thought to have a more indolent course than chondrosarcomas in other locations. The aim of the study was to determine the outcome of atypical enchondromas and grade 1 chondrosarcomas of the phalanges treated surgically.


Data was collected prospectively on patients with a cartilage lesion of the phalanges. Typical enchondromas, grade 2 or 3 chondrosarcomas and patients with Ollier's disease were excluded.

R. Bhumbra S. Riad D.J. Biau A. Griffin K. Weiss J.S. Wunder P. Ferguson


Fibromatosis is a disorder characterised by a spectrum of biological behaviour from relative indolence to aggressive local infiltration. With aimed to describe the pre and post-operative functional status of these patients managed with surgery and analyse the effect of radiotherapy on functional outcome.


43 patients were analysed in the upper and lower limb fibromatosis database in which functional data was available pre-op and at a minimum of two years post-op. Any plantar, palmer, chest or abdominal lesion was excluded as were hormonal or chemotherapy treated patients.

M. Watanuki C.L. Gaston X. Li R.J. Grimer


It is generally held that blood tests are not particularly helpful in establishing the diagnosis of bone tumours but may be useful in prognosis. We reviewed the results of blood tests taken at the time of diagnosis to establish the frequency of abnormalities in common blood tests and whether this was significant in staging or prognosis.


Blood test results on all newly diagnosed patients with bone tumours from 2005 – 2010 were exported and abnormalities identified. This was matched to diagnosis, clinical features and prognosis.

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T. Cosker H. Branford White A. James N. Athanisou D. Whitwell M. Gibbons


Primary soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities are uncommon. Many such lesions will present to specialists in other clinics such as specialist Hand or Foot and Ankle clinics. Many are of a small size at presentation and may appear to be alternate, more common pathology.


We collected data from all those patients with acral soft tissues sarcomas and referred to the Oxford Sarcoma Service, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford over a thirteen year period from 1997 – 2010. Data were collected regarding the primary suspected diagnosis, the final diagnosis, the referral route and whether patients had undergone previous inadvertent excision.

T. Cosker D. Whitwell A. James E. Reynolds C. Porter M. Gibbons


A GP may only encounter one sarcoma in their professional career. Early diagnosis and treatment will improve the outcomes of this rare and malignant disease. Guidelines designed to lead to earlier diagnosis of the most common cancers were introduced by NICE in 2000 and were updated in 2005. These advise and assist in the early referral of potential bone and soft tissue sarcoma. Prior to 2000 only ~10% of GP referrals were proven to be malignant.


In a referral region of ∼3m, we reviewed the referral patterns of suspected sarcoma by General Practitioners since 2005 in an effort to determine whether the published NICE guidelines had influenced an improvement in the diagnosis and management of malignant disease.

P.S. Young S. Bell M.J. Jane A. Mahendra


Bony tumours of foot account for approximately 3% of osseous tumours. However, literature regarding calcaneal tumours comprises individual case reports, short case series or literature reviews, with last large case series in 1973. Literature on bony tumours of the talus is limited to case reports only.


We retrospectively reviewed medical notes and imaging for all patients with calcaneal or talar tumours recorded in the Scottish Bone Tumour Registry since the 1940's. Demographics, presentation, investigation, histology, management and outcome were reviewed.

S. Pennant C.L.M. Gibbons D. Whitwell S. Ostlere J. Morley


Tissue diagnosis is essential to direct the definitive management of a suspected soft tissue or bone sarcoma tissue. Knowledge of both the diagnostic yield and accuracy of core needle biopsies is therefore important to give the investigating team information on the likelihood of their initial investigations achieving a diagnosis.


This is a retrospective study of patients referred to a specialist orthopaedic centre for investigation of a suspected soft tissue or bone sarcoma. Details of all core needle biopsies performed in a 13-month period were obtained from the hospital database. We defined a diagnostic biopsy as either a specific tissue diagnosis or a biopsy that decided the definitive management of the patient, specifically if malignancy was excluded and no further intervention was required, to calculate the diagnostic yield. Diagnostic accuracy was established by comparing histological diagnosis at biopsy to that at final excision.

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L. Jeys A. Darbyshire R.J. Grimer R.M. Tillman A. Abudu S.R. Carter


Myxofibrosarcoma is described by WHO as comprising of a spectrum of malignant fibroblastic lesions with variably myxoid stoma, pleomorphism and with a distinctively curvilinear vascular pattern. They are reported to be one of the commonest sarcomas of elderly patients. It has previously been reported to have a high rate of locally recurrent disease (50-60%). The aim of the study was to investigate the ROH series of tumours to determine prognostic factors for survival and local recurrence.


Patients were identified from the ROH database who had been treated with a new presentation of myxofibrosarcoma. The size, grade and depth of the tumour at presentation was noted. Those patients who had suffered local or distal disease relapse or died were highlighted. Analysis was undertaken by Kaplan Meier survival curves for univariate and cox regression for multivariate analysis.

M. Venkatesan C.J. Richards T.A. McCulloch R.U. Ashford


The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) published clinical guidelines in 2006 defining urgent referral criteria for soft tissue sarcoma to help improve the diagnostic accuracy and overall outcome. Despite these guidelines inadvertent excisions of soft tissue sarcomas continue to occur with alarming frequency potentially compromising patient outcomes.


We reviewed the East Midlands Sarcoma Service experience of treating inadvertent excision of STSs and highlight the patient profile, referral pattern, subsequent management and oncological outcome associated with inadvertent resection.

R. Bhumbra S.R. Carter L Jeys R.M. Tillman A. Abudu V. Sumathi R.J. Grimer

Osteosarcomas represent a heterogeneous group of primary bone tumours that affect predominantly the long bones of patients in the first two decades of life. We aim to describe the secondary effects of a poor response (⋋90% necrosis) to chemotherapy on the effectivity of other treatment outcomes, local recurrence and survival rates.

182 cases of osteosarcoma with necrosis of less than 90% and no metastases at diagnosis have been seen at our institution over 24 years. There were 60 amputations. 122 patients underwent limb salvage, with 105 marginal margins and 17 contaminated. There was no difference in size or location between the two groups. In the 122 patients with LSS, 21 had adjuvant radiotherapy and 101 did not. In the entirety of patients with ⋋90% necrosis, survival was 64% at 2 years and 37% at 5 years. When LSS Marginal resections were compared with amputation there was a significant (P=0.006) difference in survival. LSS with a marginal margin had a 25% risk of LR. In these patients there was 25% survival, whereas the absence of a local recurrence, conferred a benefit of a 40% survival XRT was used in 21 of the 122 who underwent limb salvage. The decision to use XRT was made by the local oncologist at the treating unit. There was a 24% rate of recurrence in the XRT group and 25% with no XRT.

These data demonstrated that patients who had a poor response to chemotherapy and underwent an amputation faired poorly when compared to patients with LSS. There is a selection bias in patients selected to undergo amputation. Additionally, patients who underwent amputation had a lower rate of local recurrence, but still had a poorer survival when compared to LSS.

J.C. Pollock J.N. Rodrigues S. Hasham T.A. McCulloch A.G.B. Perks A. Raurell R.U. Ashford


We aimed to ascertain the oncological outcome of patients undergoing an amputation for sarcoma in our unit.


A retrospective analysis of patients undergoing amputation within a two-year period (2007-2009) was undertaken. Patients were identified from our sarcoma database and cross referenced with OPCS codes and HES data to ensure accuracy. A case note review was then undertaken.

S. Sabharwal G. Datta O. Berber W.J.S. Aston R.C. Pollock J.A. Skinner S.R. Cannon T.W.R. Briggs


The proximity of the superior tibiofibular articulation to neurovascular structures makes the management of extraosseous tumours of the proximal fibula challenging in bone tumour surgery. The aim of study is to establish whether the recurrence rates are higher in this anatomical area compared to data that already exists in publication for bone tumours throughout the appendicular skeleton.


A retrospective study of all patients treated for Ewing's tumours and osteosarcoma at a regional bone tumour unit between January 1995 and December 2009 was conducted.