%0 Journal Article %A Y. Ueda %A A. Inui %A Y. Mifune %A R. Sakata %A T. Muto %A Y. Harada %A F. Takase %A T. Kataoka %A T. Kokubu %A R. Kuroda %T The effects of high glucose condition on rat tenocytes in vitro and rat Achilles tendon in vivo %D 2018 %J Bone & Joint Research %P 362-372 %V 7 %N 5 %R 10.1302/2046-3758.75.BJR-2017-0126.R2 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/2046-3758.75.BJR-2017-0126.R2 %K High glucose,Oxidative stress,Tendinitis